5 Hacks To Enhance Your Organic CTR And Rankings In SERPs
2 months ago
4 min read

5 Hacks To Enhance Your Organic CTR And Rankings In SERPs

Hey guys, hope you all are doing well and great! I hope you all are safe in this pandemic situation. Why you are here? 

If you are here to know the counsel about the hacks to enhance your organic CTR and rankings in SERPs, then you have done a fabulous job because it is the perfect blog that you are awaiting!

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Hacks To Enhance Your Organic CTR And Rankings In SERPs

This article gives clear and fresh information which clears all your confusions. So without any delay, let's dive into the topic.

Firstly, let us learn what exactly is organic CTR. CTR stands for click-through rate

The organic CTR is simply defined as the division of several clicks a search result receives to several times it is viewed on the impressions( impressions are also called SERP). The organic CTR calculates the rank position and how valuable each rank is in the site.

So, if you want to increase your site traffic, increase the number of views, search results, and boosting search rankings then below are the list of hacks to be followed. 

The five strategies which are going to be discussed will help you improve your organic CTR without content creation or link building.

SERPs are defined as search engine result pages. Everyone’s goal is to make their site appear on the first page of Google and to increase their market share. 

So, if your goal is to have more traffic for the website or increase sales then only appearing on the first page is not enough. 

Because google progressively changes from a search engine to an answer engine, so in this competitive world if your website having little luck with the organic traffic, then concentrate on improving click-through performance. 

The five techniques are actionable and all are within your control.

Get Creative With Your Title Tags:

The first strategy to apply is to use creative title tags for the site, as it increases more chances of search. It has mainly three elements such as:

  • Headline: It is the blue clickable link that denotes the title of the page.
  • Description: A brief snippet of what can be found on the page.
  • URL: It is the Uniform resource locator where web founds specifically

The headline is also called a title tag has more significant importance both for the search engine and for the users. With the title tag, many search visitors decide about the business and content. 

It is in blue, how you design your title tag decides to make or break about the page.

When writing a title tag you must follow some of the fundamentals. They are:

Aim For A Title Tag Length Of 35 To 55 Characters:

To have a high CTR, the researcher found that the tagline length should be between 35 to 55 characters. It does not truncate in the search result and it will be catchy for the visitors

Use some of the tools like SERP Simulator and SERP preview tool to check the length of the title tag.

Placing The Primary Keyword Closer To The Beginning:

Most of the visitors see only the starting keywords and decides their efficiency. So placing the main keyword or target keyword increases its importance and weightage.

Never Keyword Stuff:

Avoid placing irrelevant keywords other than the target keyword. It creates confusion and suffers search users and CTR killers.

Minimize The Use Of Stop Words:

Avoid using words like “a”, “the”, “on”, “or” and “etc.”, it will add unnecessary length to the title tag. Better to use high-impact words like best, exclusive, insane, and many more.

Meta Descriptions:

The snippet below the title tag will play a key role to increase the CTR. The meta descriptions will define or summarize the web page’s content. 

The well-written snippet will result in positive CTRs. It is of 155 characters and 43% of search users click based on the impression of the snippet.

For the perfect meta description, let's follow the below list:

  • Stick to Google’s optimal length
  • Add most of your important keywords
  • Write descriptive copy
  • Don’t duplicate descriptions

Use Descriptive URLs:

The third strategy is the well-optimized keyword. Keep the length of the URL short and use lowercase letters and hyphens to separate words rather than underscores. 

Use the exact keyword in the URL. Research has proven that 45% of the search visitors look for perfect and keyword-rich URLs. Avoid using special characters, numbers, and stop words.

Turn Your Title Tag Donkeys Into CTR Unicorns:

After writing the best and well-optimized title tag, it is necessary to keep on checking its performance in organic listing. 

Determine the site’s worst performers and we call them donkeys. Identify the donkeys by downloading query data and compare click-through rates vs average position. 

Now, try to change the title tag using blitz testing. This technique will optimize your worst performer title tags.

Rich Results:

Rich snippets result in high SERP and there are most common schema types which will work in the competing SERPs, they include:

  • Review snippets
  • Recipe rich data snippets
  • How to snippets
  • Sitelinks
  • Search box snippet
  • Product snippet
  • Video snippet
  • FAQ snippet

After long research, we came to a conclusion that helps to improve the organic CTR and rankings in SERPs. Follow the above 5 strategies and clear all your confusion. 

Open your hearts and minds and do not worry and do not stop or give up! Go ahead with this blog and get your answers.

Hope you liked it!

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