9 Navratri Devi Names and Importance of Each Day of Nav Durga
4 months ago
6 min read

9 Navratri Devi Names and Importance of Each Day of Nav Durga

Navratri is a Hindu festival which is celebrated in the Ashvin month of Hindu calendar and falls in mid-September to October according to the English calendar. This festival means ‘Nav’ means nine and ‘Ratri’ means nights in Sanskrit, which marks the nine days of a fight between Goddess Durga and buffalo demon. 

Goddess Durga fought with him to show the world that ‘Good always wins over evil’, thus restoring Dharma back. Also, this festival is synonymous with God Rama defeating Ravana which also marks that Good wins over evil. This is an important festival all over India because it is a sign of happiness and prosperity. These 9 Devis of Navratri mark the incarnation of Goddess Durga into nine forms and how each form has importance.

Navratri is a celebration for all as it is seen as a sign of ‘Good over evil’. It marks the importance of following the path of good deeds. People in India celebrate this festival with tremendous enthusiasm and joy. You can see the preparations starting in houses long before the arrival of the Navratri festival.

In this Feeding Trends article, we will discuss the 9 Navratri Devi names, which are 9 names of Goddess Durga, the importance of each day, the prasad to be offered on each day, etc. So let's begin:

1) Goddess Shailputri 

The first nav Durga name is Goddess Shailputri. This Navratri Devi name means the ‘Daughter of mountain’. This nav Durga name refers to the incarnation of Goddess Parvati, who is also the consort of Lord Shiva. Known as Pratipada, this Durga avatar is depicted as riding a bull and has a trishula in one hand and lotus in the other. 

This Navratri Devi form shows her vigour and action, which means the period to prepare for action and anger towards evil. The colour of the 1st day of Navratri is red and the prasad for the 1st day of Navratri is Ghee.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

2) Goddess Brahmacharini 

The second one on our list of nav Durga names is Goddess Brahmacharini. This Navratri Devi form shows the unmarried avatar of Goddess Parvati when she became sati and got back to her brahmachari form which means unmarried. This form of Parvati is represented by having a japamala and kamandal in her hands and walks barefoot. 

This shows moksha, peace and prosperity. The colour of 2nd day of Navratri is blue which means calm and tranquillity yet full of energy. Prasad for the second day of Navratri that must be offered is of fruits.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

3) Goddess Chandraghanta 

The third of all nav Durga names is Goddess Chandraghanta. This Navratri Devi form is named after the avatar of Goddess Parvati when she got married to Lord Shiva and wore an ardhachandra on her forehead which symbolized that she is the ardhangini of Shiva. This form is a symbol of beauty and bravery. 

The colour of the 3rd day of Navratri is yellow which is a bright colour and fills everything with energy. On the third day of Navratri, the prasad that must be offered is milk sweets.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

4) Goddess Kushmanda 

Goddess Kushmanda is the 4th of all nav Durga names. This Navratri Devi form of Goddess Parvati is believed to be the creator of the universe and symbolizes the green cover of the earth. Thus the colour of the 4th Navratri day is green, which symbolizes growth, harmony and fertility. 

This form is shown to have eight arms and sits on a tiger. Prasad that must be offered on the fourth Navratri day is Malpua, which is an Indian sweet made of khoa.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

5) Goddess Skandmata 

The 5th nav Durga name is Goddess Skandmata. This Navratri Devi name derives from the word ‘Skanda’ depicting Kartikey and ‘Mata’ means mother. Out of 9 forms of Goddess Durga, this form symbolizes the fierce nature of a mother when her child is in danger, she rides a ferocious lion, has four arms and in one of her arms, she holds a baby. 

The colour of the 5th Navratri day is grey, which depicts the transforming strength of a mother. Prasad that must be offered on the fifth Navratri day is bananas.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

6) Goddess Katyayani 

Goddess Katyayani is the 6th name in the nav Durga names list. This Navratri Devi form is an incarnation of  Goddess Durga, her most violent form which can destroy all kinds of evil. This nav Durga incarnation is shown as the Goddess rides a lion and has four arms. 

The colour of the 6th Navratri day is orange, which represents enthusiasm, encouragement, and stimulation. For the sixth Navratri day, the prasad that must be offered is honey and meetha paan.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

7) Goddess Kalaratri 

The 7th of all nav Durga names is Goddess Kalaratri. This Navratri Devi form is also an incarnation of  Goddess Durga and her fierce form as well. This Nav Durga avatar shows the anger the Goddess had towards demons Sumbha and Nisumbha. In this avatar, Goddess removed her fair skin to show her anger towards evil and had fiery eyes. 

Thus, the colour of the 7th day of Navratri is white, which portrays peace and prayer. Goddess Durga will protect her devotees from any harm and evil. Prasad that must be offered on the 7th day of Navratri is jaggery and lemon.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

8) Goddess Mahagauri 

Goddess Mahagauri is the 8th name in the nav Durga names list. This Navratri Devi form is a beautiful incarnation of Goddess Durga, which marks peace and intelligence. This form is calm and filled with optimism. 

The colour of the 8th Navratri day is pink, which marks the same. The prasad for the 8th Navratri day that must be offered is coconut.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink

9) Goddess Siddhidatri 

The 9th name among the nav Durga names is Goddess Siddhidatri. This Navratri Devi marks the end of the nine days and this avatar is ‘Siddhidatri’ which means the  Goddess which provides someone with greatness. This form is also known as Shri Lakshmi, goddess of wealth. 

The colour of the ninth day of Navratri is blue which shows admiration. For the 9th day, the prasad that must be offered is pomegranate.

This marks the end of our Navratri Devi names list or nav Durga names list. As the 9 days of Navratri end, they take away the evil and establish Dharma back on earth.

Goddess Shailputri, Goddess Brahmacharini, Goddess Chandraghanta, Goddess  Kushmanda,  Goddess  Skandmata,  Goddess  Katyayani,  Goddess  Kalratri, Goddess  Mahagauri,  Goddess  Sidhidatri, Navratri Devi nameslink 

Navratri festival must be celebrated with happiness and joy. Goddess Durga only sees the devotion of her devotees, so one must offer everything with devotion and purity in their mind. 

We hope you celebrate Navratri with lots of happiness and joy. Shubh Navratri!

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