11 Headache And Migraine Relieving Home Remedies

Aug 16, 2021

4 min read

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Many people have headaches and migraines from time to time and wonder how to fast get rid of them. The greatest way to swiftly eliminate a headache is to determine what caused it in the first place. 

Many people have headaches or triggers as a result of dehydration, high blood pressure, tight muscles in the neck and shoulders as a result of physical or emotional stress, or a reaction to foods, additives, medicines, or chemicals that create inflammatory reactions in the blood vessels.

Migraine headaches are more than simply a throbbing pain in the brain. Migraines are a sign of a neurological disorder that often involves the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • A change in appearance
  • Sensitivity to sound, light, or smell

Migraines are a debilitating and chronic condition that impacts many people's daily life.

Suggestions for Migraine Pain Relief:

Following is the list of a few remedies/precautions that could be taken to cure migraine pain:

1. Rest quietly in a dark environment.

Many migraine patients are sensitive to light and sound. You might be able to sleep if you make your bedroom dark and quiet. 

“Sleep does not heal all headaches,” but the chemicals released in your brain as you sleep may aid in better sleep. Blocking off sounds might assist if you're sensitive to them.

2. Compress the afflicted region with a hot or cold compress. 

The compress should be applied to the back of your neck or the crown of your head.

Ice has a numbing effect on the skin. According to the author, “it diverts the brain's focus away from the migraine.” 

“Where the compress is placed, you're activating extra nerve terminals.”

Some people prefer to use a warm compress. The use of heat can help to relax tense muscles. You may also unwind by taking a warm bath or shower.

3. Try meditating while being alert. 

Spend some time sitting and being present. Keep an eye on your breathing. This type of focused meditation, according to the American Migraine Foundation, can aid with physical discomfort. 

According to a review published in Cephalalgia in September 2016, mindfulness may offer benefits comparable to medication alone in individuals with chronic migraine and drug abuse. The results were, however, preliminary. Mindfulness, like other home remedies, is a distraction that can aid in pain relief.

4. Take a deep breath and inhale the lavender. 

Lavender's fragrance may help you calm. The lavender essential oil may be sipped or breathed and is available in pharmacies and health food stores.

 A small study published in the journal European Neurology in 2012 looked examined the use of lavender essential oil in migraine sufferers. 

When compared to those who did not, individuals who inhaled lavender essential oil for 15 minutes reported a reduction in headache severity.

5. Keep yourself hydrated. 

Dehydration is a common migraine trigger, and replacing fluids can help restore your body's water and electrolyte balance. 

Do you have problems getting enough water to drink? Add a slice of lemon or lime to your water to make it taste nicer and encourage you to drink more. 

Also, keep caffeine to a minimum because it might dehydrate you if consumed in excessive amounts.

6. Caffeine

It's present in coffee and a number of other foods and beverages, and it can help with mild pain. It may also help certain migraine medicines absorb faster. 

Take it easy, though. You could become addicted to your caffeine fix, causing withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and headaches.

7. It's a good idea to massage your temples. 

Massage can aid with muscular relaxation. However, whether or whether this is advantageous to you is a personal decision. 

Some migraine sufferers are hypersensitive to touch, and a massage may aggravate their symptoms. Others find that massaging their temples relaxes them by increasing blood flow.

8. Exercise. 

Taking a quick walk may help relieve migraine discomfort, despite the fact that it may seem paradoxical. 

This is due to the fact that aerobic exercise increases blood flow and lowers stress. Exercising causes the body's natural feel-good hormones to be released.

9. Choose the right cushion for your needs. 

By maintaining the natural curve of your neck, a decent pillow can help reduce neck stiffness and headaches. 

While pillows come in a variety of heights, materials, shapes, and hardnesses, no single cushion is considered the best for everyone. 

The best cushion for you is a personal choice depending on your preferences and head-neck alignment. Try out a few different pillows to see which one helps your neck feel the most comfortable in the morning.

10. Dry needling is a viable alternative. 

A medical practitioner skilled in dry needling can insert thin, sterile needles into uncomfortable trigger points in your neck and/or head. 

Dry needling is a technique for releasing tension in inflamed muscles and connective tissues, which can cause headaches and neck pain. 

According to some studies, dry needling can help alleviate chronic tension headaches.

11. Acupuncture might be a viable alternative. 

According to traditional Chinese medicine, neck pain and headaches might be caused by an energy imbalance or stagnation inside the body. 

Acupuncture is one method of restarting this energy flow (also known as "qi"). A skilled acupuncturist places ultra-thin needles at certain acupoints on the body, depending on the symptoms being experienced. 

While science has yet to prove the existence of qi or acupoints, many patients have stated that acupuncture relieves pain for at least a short period of time.

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