7 Roles Played By Fathers That Make Them The Dream Super Heroes Of Their Child
4 months ago
5 min read

7 Roles Played By Fathers That Make Them The Dream Super Heroes Of Their Child

Dads are the most ordinary men turned by love into super heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, magicians, doctors, painters, dancers, and even singers.

Yes, it is our love that encourages them to stand through all situations and play all roles, no matter how tough it is. They do it with a patient smile, just like a real hero .

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Fathers have sat awake all night beside us, singing lullabies until we sleep.

And trust me, those were the best songs we have ever heard from any star singer. Isn’t it?

It is only when we grow up and step ahead to live on our own, that we realize how much our father has sacrificed for us.

I don’t think there has been any wish of our childhood which our father never tried to fulfill. Be it big or small, be it logical or insane, be it at any hour of the day, our fathers have always tried to make our childhood the best phase of our lives.

We are realizing this in large value because father’s day date is coming.

And here we have the 7 different reasons that make dads so special.

1. A role model:

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“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.”
-Clarence Budington Kelland

Have you ever thought what is the need for our fathers to work so hard? He does this for us, for his family. We never see him spending money on himself but his family.

The way our fathers live is the best way of living. You will always find your father doing more for others. And this is what makes him a role model.

2. The support system:

“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me.”

The most important part of support is trust. Our father trusts us whether anyone does or not. Our father is always there to support us in every situation. No matter what the situation is - good or bad – fathers are the strongest support system we have.

A father is one person who is always there by our side. We can always count on him when we are stuck up in life. There is no problem to which our father does not has a solution. That’s the dad’s gift!

3. The security system:

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“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.”

- Sigmund Freud

There is no other security system as secure as that our father’s protection. No thorn or scar can touch us as long ass we are with our father. He can go to any extent to safeguard his children.

This father’s day, thank your dad for sheltering you from all storms. This expression of gratitude would be the perfect father’s day gift.

4. The trainer:

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Our fathers are the best trainer of our lives. The picturization of Mr. Phogat in Dangal, is so very true. They train us to cope up through every situation in life. They prepare us for the challenges that wait in life.

Be it sports, academics or regarding some life lessons, our fathers acquire the required strictness. They want us to possess all etiquettes - how to act before different people, how to take up responsibilities and so on.

They encourage us to deal with all kinds of hurdles in our path. And the best father purposely puts hurdles to teach lessons!

5. The mind reader:

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What is going on in our minds? Or what we are thinking? Or what we want? Our father is the one who can decipher it. It happens to us many times, like what we think “I want this…” and our father brings it the very next moment.

As if we have a invisible telephone line between us which runs from my heart to his heart. Gifts for dad are so difficult to choose. I wish even we could read his mind!

6. Our bank balance:

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Whenever we need money for buying something, we rush to our father. Just like a person rushes to his bank account or ATM, when in need for cash, we rush to our father.

In fact, if you are not earning still you must have saved money from your pocket money which again comes from your father, to buy a father’s day gift for him.

Our father is our bank balance. He is always there to support us financially. We can proudly say in the Race 3 trolled dialogue format – ‘Our father, is our father. He is none of your father.’

7. The friend:

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A father is one friend on whom we can blindly rely. Whenever we feel uncomfortable or feel sad or want to share something, the only person we can completely trust is our father.

We are pretty sure that he will never judge us, misunderstand us or rebuke us at any point in life. Dad is in fact, the best friend in need.

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These 7 roles are played by everyone’s dad.

They might frown, scold and restrict us, but they never want any wrong to happen. These 7 things make our father the most special person in our life. For the person who does so much for us, its time to return the favors.

This Father’s Day, dated 17th June 2018, make him feel special. There are multiple ideas for father’s day celebration.

What’s yours?

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