29 Short Moral Stories In English
4 months ago
20 min read

29 Short Moral Stories In English

Short Moral Stories in English is always good and beneficial for the reader. A short story with morals in English gives us many lessons for our life. Kids get many benefits from reading short moral stories at bedtime.

Short moral stories in English which give lessons and messages are always powerful. Reading short moral stories in English is a good habit that frees you from stress, tension, and many other things.

Here is the list of short moral stories in English that you have may read in your childhood too and some you don't.

1 The Tortoise and The Bird

The Tortoise and The Bird | Short Stories In English With Moral

It is the story between the tortoise and the bird. In this short moral story, the bird gives a very good lesson to the tortoise and everyone. It is a short moral story but it gives a very big moral to learn and understand.

When a bird make its nest which was too shabby and somewhat broken then the tortoise made fun of it that my shell I'd do good then your nest. The bird replied that in my nest anyone can come to stay and rest but in your shell, nobody can enter except you.

This short moral story gives the moral that “A crowded hut is better than a lonely kingdom”.

2 My Best Friend

Short Stories In English With Moral

This is a short moral story to read at bedtime. This short moral story is about two best friends who give us a great moral from a short story.

Two best friends were traveling in the desert. After some time they had an argument and one friend slapped the other. Then the slapped one wrote in the sand that “Today my best friend slapped me”. After some time suddenly the slapped one got stuck in the mire, and the other friend saved him. 

Then he wrote it but in stone “Today my best friend saved my life”. When his friend asked why he wrote both differently so he told his friend that when someone hurt us we should write in the sand so that it flows away with the wind but when someone does well to us so we should write in stone to engrave it.

This short moral story gives a very interesting lesson “Always try and see good in people”.

3 Nasir's Wish

Short Stories In English With Moral

This amazing short moral story is interesting for all. This short moral story provides a powerful lesson to the reader about life and greediness. This is a short moral story but when read gives a huge moral.

Once, there was Nasir who get a crystal ball behind a banyan tree. He could make one wish through that crystal ball, he was confused so he did not make the wish that time. His best friend stole his crystal ball and showed it to everyone in the village. Everyone made the wish but no one get anything so they were angry and unhappy.

This short moral story gives a very big lesson that “Greed never make a person happy”.

4 Rich Man's Son

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is beautifully narrated for kids and young ones. This short moral story teaches a good moral about the relationship between father and son.

Once there was a rich man whose son was studying in a prestigious college. His son wanted a new car but he never granted his wish. On graduation day, the rich man gave a gift to him. 

The son opened the gift and find a leather journal with his name embossed in it. The young man left the house, after some time when he listen to the news of his father's died he came back and got the journal with his father has kept, he flipped its pages and he found a car key. He got very disappointed.

This short moral story gives a big lesson “Be grateful for what you are given. It may be more of a blessing you think”. A short moral story of English gives a great moral between father and son.

5 The Honest Woodcutter

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story in English has a great story plot about honesty. This short moral story teaches your small kid to be honest and true.

Once, there was a poor woodcutter who earned by cutting the wood. One day he was cutting the wood near the river and suddenly his axe fell down into the river. 

He could not take out his axe then the god of water Mercury came out and asked about his problem. Then he took out a golden axe from water but the woodcutter refuses, then he took a silver axe but again he refuses and then he took out a wooden axe and the woodcutter accepted it.

This short moral story gives a lesson that “Honesty is the best policy”.

6 Tenali Raman and the Weight Lifter

Short Stories In English With Moral

The short moral story gives a lesson about intelligence and how one should use their brain. This short moral story is about Tenali Raman who uses his mind very cleverly.

The short moral story of Tenali Raman and weightlifter tells that we should always use our presence of mind which Tenali Raman used and cut 6 months with his wife in peace and luxury in that village.

This short moral story gives a lesson that “Wits are mightier than muscles”.

7 The Cunning Wolf

Short Stories In English With Moral

This is an interesting of wolf and shepherd. It gives a thoughtful moral to everyone. This short moral story is liked by people for reading at their bedtime.

There was a wolf who don't get much to eat because of a shepherd. As shepherd keep eye on him. One day wolf got a sheepskin so he decided to fool the shepherd and he was successful too. But eagerly shepherd noticed that only one sheep is getting fat and he finds that it was a wolf and he killed it.

So at last from this short moral story, we learn that “The evil-doer often comes to harm through his own deceit”.

8 The Saint's Company

Short Stories In English With Moral

This small moral story is about a merchant, his son, and a saint. This small story gives a very big moral of life from a small kid to a young one.

This story is about a merchant whose son got into bad company. So one day a saint comes into the town so the merchant seeks him for help for his child. The saint met his child the next day and gives him a beautiful lesson about good and bad company.

This short moral story teaches us that “We decide who we want to be”. We get the biggest moral from this short moral story.

9 The Lion and Jackal Story

The Lion and Jackal Story | Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story teaches the lesson about the friendship between lion and jackal. These both share a special bond between them, this short moral story is best for all-time.

Once, Lion goes for drinking water and got stuck in wet sluggish mud for many days without water and food. Then jackal helped him to get out and then they become friends. Their family remains together but their family doesn't like their friendship and then they separated.

This short moral story teaches us that “We should never expect our family to share the same bond of friendship we have with someone”.

10 Birbal The Just

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about Akbar and Birbal. It's a small moral story but teaches us the biggest life lesson about right and wrong decisions in life.

Once Akbar said if a person will stand in the frozen pond without any clothes then he will reward him. One poor Brahmin accept this challenge and completed too but when the time came to give a reward Akbar refuses at last Birbal make Akbar realize his mistake and rewarded the Brahmin.

This short moral story teaches us that “A poor person can do anything for money and sometimes decision made too quickly results in injustice”.

11 The Foolish Goat

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is interesting about a foolish goat and a clever fox. It teaches us that we should not always be innocent because in this world clever little take advantage of an innocent one.

Once, a fox was roaming in the dark and fell in well, so he waited for the next day so someone can help him. A goat came near well and peeped inside it. She found a fox there, the fox cleverly made fool of goat twice and came out of the well and goat remain stuck in well.

So from this short moral story, we learn that “We should think of the consequences before we do something or act”.

12 The Old Tree

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about two brothers' relationship, greediness, and forgiveness. It teaches us that we should be kind not to be greedy.

Once, there were two brothers who lived at the edge of the forest. The elder one was very mean to his younger one always. Once the younger one goes to the forest in search of wood to sell. 

But because of his greediness, he got not the goods but the pain from the tree. The younger brother came and help him so the elder one release his mistake and then the magic tree gave both the brother the golden apples.

This small moral story with a great lesson that “Greediness leads to pain and suffering but forgiveness leads to happiness”.

13 The Thirsty Crow

Short Stories In English With Moral

This famous short moral story is one we all know from our childhood and still remember its moral and lesson. This short moral story teaches us that we should never give in our life whatever the situation is.

This short moral story is about a thirsty crow who was in search of water in the village all over but he couldn't find it. Under one tree on the farm, he finds a pitcher having a little water, but the problem was that he could not able to drink it. Then he uses his presence of mind and drops a lot of stone in the pitcher so water comes up and he drank it.

This short moral story gives a big life lesson which we all should use “We should never give up and Where there is a will, there is a way”.

14 The Foolish Thief

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story about that truth always has his face in dark also. This short moral story is interesting in reading too. This short moral story provides good morals to kids.

Once, a rich merchant gets robbed in King Akbar kingdom. So he asked for help in court, so Akbar gives this responsibility to Birbal. Birbal asked all servants about the robbery but as usual, everyone denied it, so he used his brain and gave a stick to all servants and said by tomorrow robbers stick will increase by 2 inches. So next day the robber was caught as his stick was short by 2 inches.

So from this short moral story, we learn that “truth always prevails”. This short moral story teaches kids and every young one about truth and the presence of the mind.

15 The Crab and She Stork's

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about how we should always be active and take quick action against danger. This short moral story teaches everyone a life moral to learn.

Once, there was a stork who picks fish from ponds to eat. As he grows older it's difficult for him to catch fish, so he makes a plan and gets successful in it by eating many fishes. 

As he got bored by eating fishes he thought to eat crab but as he took crab to another pond. The crab realizes that the stork would kill him, so he quickly used his mind. He caught the stork neck until he die.

This short moral story gives us the moral that “Always use a presence of mind and act fast when you see danger”.

16 The Golden Touch

The Golden Touch Of Midas

This short moral story gives a good moral about that we should always be happy in what we have. This short moral story is best for bedtime reading.

Once, there was a king named Midas, who had a lot of gold and a beautiful daughter. One day he gave shelter to Silenus who was a good friend of Dionysus, the god of wine. 

After Midas's kindness, Dionysus rewards the king by asking for one wish. He asked that everything he touched turn gold as this results in very bad at last and his daughter turns to a gold statue but then everything turns to normal as before.

From this short moral story, we learn that “Greed is something that gives ti you happiness but it always results in pain and danger”.

17 The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about a shepherd boy and his prank. This short moral story teaches us that nobody believes a person who lies every time and says one-day truth.

Once, there was a shepherd boy who was bored while sitting on a hilltop. For his fun, he shouted out wolf, wolf and all villagers come for help but when they saw it found to be a pranked. He did it again and again and villagers came for help every time and get angry. But at one boy was surprised and saw a real wolf and he shouted nut nobody came for help.

From this short moral story, we get the moral that “Lie does not exist and a person never trust again even when you say the truth”.

18 The Story Behind Ravana's 10 Heads

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story teaches us about dedication, we should have got our work or anything. This short moral story is about Ravana's 10 heads which are good to know for every child.

Ravana was a great follower of Lord Shiva. He started meditation to please Lord Shiva. Every time he chopped his head, it grew back again and again. This devotion of Ravana pleased Lord Shiva and he granted him ten heads and became the most powerful on earth. The ten heads of Ravana indicate 4 Vegas and 6 Shastras Kn which Ravana is mastered.

This small moral story gives a big moral to us about our religion, grants, and dedication towards something. This short moral story teaches us that “If we have dedication and devotion towards something we can achieve it”.

19 The Tall Cunning Boy

This short moral story is about best to teach to kids. This short moral story tells us that when two people fight always third-person take the advantage of that fight.

Once, there were two little boys were playing. One of them saw the nut but the other picked up first. The two boys started fighting for the nut. A tall boy was passing from there so he decided to do something about their quarrels. He splits the nut into two parts and eats the seed himself by saying This is for settling your quarrels.

This short moral story gave a very big moral that “When two people quarrel someone else take the gain of it”. This short moral story gives a great life lesson.

20 An Old Man Lived in the Village

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story teaches about happiness and life. This short moral story is good for young ones and the aged ones too at bedtime.

This short moral story is about an old man who always remains upset and irritated with everyone and every time. But one day when he turned 80 years, he started to remain happy, smiling every time. Then the villagers asked him about it so he answered beautifully that for many years I was chasing happiness which was of no use and now I decided to live without happiness and enjoy life.

This short moral story gave a big moral that “We should never chase happiness but just enjoy whatever is going on”.

21 The Wise Man

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about the life lesson that everyone should learn and follow in their life. This short moral story is not only for kids but also beneficial for young ones.

This short moral story is about a wise man to whom people come and complain about their problem every time. One day, the wise man told a joke everyone laugh at, then he again told the same joke then some people laugh but when he told it for the third time nobody laughed. Then the wise man said that when you can't laugh at the same joke again and again, why do you cry at the same problem again and again.

This short moral story teaches a very big moral towards our life, happiness, and depression “Worrying for the same problem won't solve it but it just wastes your energy and time”.

22 The Foolish Donkey

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about a donkey and a salt seller. This short moral story teaches us that we should do hard work in our lives and not always depend on others or our luck. This is a short moral story but teaches a big lesson.

Once, a salt seller carries the salt bag on a donkey to market. One day on the day while crossing the stream some salt fell down and mixes in water and hence the bag became very light to carry. Now the donkey applies this trick every day and the salt sellers understand it. The next day, he loaded a cotton bag on the donkey and the donkey played the same trick but the cotton became heavy to carry and the donkey suffered.

This short moral story teaches us that “We should not always depend on our luck, Luck won't favor every time”.

23 The Four Smart Students

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is based on that we should never lie in our comfort zone to anyone or lie never hide for much time. This is a short moral story but gives a lifelong lesson to everyone.

Once, there was four college student who party late at night and didn't study for test for the next day. The next morning they thought of a plan and tell to the Dean that their car tire burst that's why they are in no condition to give a test. The Dean agreed and took their test 3 days later and there were only two questions in paper 1- Your name? and 2 - Which tire was burst?.

So from this short moral story, we learn a big lesson “never lie because it will harm you only and take your responsibility or you will learn a big lesson”.

24 The Greedy Lion

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about a greedy lion who doesn't get anything in the last. This short moral story is interesting for kids at bedtime.

It was a hot day, the lion came out of his den in search of food. He saw a small hare and thought that it is not enough for his stomach. As he was about to kill the hare, a dear ran away. He got greedy and thought to catch the dear. But at last, he did not get anything.

From this short moral story, we learn a big lesson for a lifetime “Don't be greedy too much because at last, you will leave with nothing”.

25 Two Friends and the Bear

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about two friends which teaches us about a true friend and a fake friend. This short moral story teaches a big lesson about friendship.

Once, there were two friends Vijay and Raju. They went to a forest for holiday suddenly a bear came and they got frightened. The Raju who knew all about climbing trees ran up and didn't think of Vijay. 

Vijay uses his mind and hold his breath and lay down in-ground, the bear sniffed him and thought he was dead. Raju asked Vijay what bear whispered in his ear so he said to be away from friends like you.

From this short moral story, we learn the moral that “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. This short moral story teaches a great friendship lesson.

26 The Struggle of Our Life

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about the daughter and his father who taught her a lesson in life. This short moral story with an example of taking the difference between the potatoes, egg, coffee bean teaches a life lesson to deal with the problem.

This short moral story gives a moral that “In life, many things happen around us, but the one thing that truly matters is how we choose to react to it.”

By reading this short moral story we learn how to deal with the problems in life. Life is all about learning, adopting the struggles into positive vibes.

27 The Fox and The Grapes

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story is about the fox and the grapes. This short moral story teaches us that when we do not get anything in life we easily say that it is not good.

Once, a fox was walking in the forest in the afternoon time. He just saw a bunch of grapes and tried to get it he just took a step back and jumped but he couldn't get it. The fox tried many times but did not get successful. At last, he says They're probably sour anyway and walk away.

This short moral story gives a moral that “We easily despise the things that we can't have”.

28 The Lion and The Poor Slave

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story teaches us that when we do good things to others we get it in return anyhow.

Once, there was a slave who was ill-treated by his master who ran to the forest. There he found a lion who was in pain so he helped the lion. After some days the master catches some animals while hunting. 

The slave was caught by master men and then the master threw the slave in a lion's cage. But he noticed that it was the same lion that he helped. He rescued the lion and all other cage animals.

This short moral story gives the moral that “One should help others in need, we get the rewards in return for our good works”.

29 The Lion and The Mouse

Short Stories In English With Moral

This short moral story teaches us to do good work, kind to others. This short moral story is best for small kids at bedtime.

Once, in the jungle, a lion was sleeping when a mouse started to disturb him. This disturb's the sleep of the lion and he got angry and try to eat the mouse. The mouse pleased the lion to leave him and said that if he will free him so one day he would save him. One day some hunter took a lion with them. At last, the mouse helps him by cutting his ropes and freeing him.

From this short moral story, we learn that “A small act of kindness can help you in return”. This is the best short moral story for kids.

Short moral stories are best to read at bedtime as we get some entertainment and we also learn from it. There was a time when stories and storybooks are only meant for entertainment. However, we should always read a short moral story in a day.

A short moral story gives us new lessons, morals and gives great life lessons. Here is some best short moral story listed above. Comment down if you know some more short moral stories which are good for kids and young ones to read.

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