102 Not Out Gets Hatched As The Film With A Message For Fading Parent-Child Relationships
4 months ago
4 min read

102 Not Out Gets Hatched As The Film With A Message For Fading Parent-Child Relationships

While the film released last Friday, it has set new standards for the subject that Bollywood should be making films on.

Wondering why one should watch 102 Not Out when it doesn’t have any young actor?

The reason is quite simple. It is because the movie brings together two exceptional actors from Bollywood to weave (Not simply act) and ignored theme - old age.

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The two actors, Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor, who have already shown their acting skills on the same theme in Piku and Kapoor And Sons respectively, have taken the theme to another level.

Age Is Just A Number

Old age is second childhood. You feel like a kid again, dependent, ignorant and scared. At the same time, you woo death. You don’t want to bump into troubles, you don’t want to understand logic, and you don’t want to go beyond your capabilities.

But, the film takes a different take on this year-old perspective about growing old. It shows that age is what your heart feels. Growing old doesn't confine you from having fun or pursuing your dreams. Amitabh Bachchan's character has been created to support the fact that we should live more happily as we approach the later years of our life.

102 Not Out movie review,old age homes ,lesson from 102 Not Out, Rishi Kapoor 102, Amitabh Bachchan ,102 Not Out,

He's seen traveling, dancing and even cracking jokes - full of life. While if you closely analyze Rishi Kapoor's character in the film, you'll find him resembling the elderly citizens of your family. They are busy chanting verses, taking prescriptions and imparting teachings to the world, while waiting for the day of death.

Now you can decide, how you want to spend your old age - colourful and fun-filled or greyscale and dull. There is another beautiful subject that this film reveals.

Parents Love Their Kids More Than They Love Themselves

In the film, Amitabh Bachchan, aged 102 is the father of Rishi Kapoor, aged 76. Both are in their old age, struggling with the same things, but the love, care, and affection that Amitabh Bachchan has for his son are unbounded and unconditional.

102 Not Out movie review,old age homes ,lesson from 102 Not Out, Rishi Kapoor 102, Amitabh Bachchan ,102 Not Out,

This film will be immortalized as a father-son love story in the history of Bollywood. The way Amitabh Bachchan takes care of his son, even at such an old age shows that parents can never think ill for their kids or do wrong to them.

No matter how worse behaviour their kids have with respect to them, their dedication to their children never dies. Interestingly, the film shows if the parents reciprocated the behaviour done to them by their kids like sending them to old age homes when they grow old, the kids retaliate in abuse.

102 Not Out movie review,old age homes ,lesson from 102 Not Out, Rishi Kapoor 102, Amitabh Bachchan ,102 Not Out,

And that is true to the very core. We believe that parents are supposed to do whatever they must as a part of their responsibilities of being parents. The third important lesson that 102 Not Out teaches in regard to death.

Death Is An Evitable Truth

The film advocates the fact that death is an inevitable truth. Everyone who is born will die one day. But this doesn’t mean everyone must sit and wait for death. Those who do so, are disrespecting life.

Life is a gift. It shouldn’t be devalued by looking out for death. In the movie, Rishi Kapoor is found saying that he has gladly accepted his old age. This means he has accepted everything that comes with it.

102 Not Out movie review,old age homes ,lesson from 102 Not Out, Rishi Kapoor 102, Amitabh Bachchan ,102 Not Out,

But in contrast to the new old Rishi Kapoor, who is just 75, Amitabh Bachchan is full of life and wants to break the record of the oldest man alive on the Earth. He’s 102 but still hopes to live 16 years more to beat the record by being 118 years old.

He doesn’t want death to come to him before that. Beautiful, isn’t it?

102 Not Out movie review,old age homes ,lesson from 102 Not Out, Rishi Kapoor 102, Amitabh Bachchan ,102 Not Out,

Well, the entire film is not just subjective but also well picturized. While the critics rate it 3 out of 5 stars, you must not view it is an average film.

102 Not Out is a must watch, if you are in your teenage and have your parents approaching the old age.

You’ll get to know a lot many secrets!

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