10 Double Standards Of Our Society That You Cannot Ignore
4 months ago
4 min read

10 Double Standards Of Our Society That You Cannot Ignore

I fail to apprehend as to why certain rules or principles apply differently to different set of people, even though their situations are similar. They would have an objection if they were wrongfully treated, but would not mind treating somebody else in the same manner.

Our society is filled with numerous everyday examples where we get to see the DOUBLE STANDARDS. The society seems to have strongly adhered to the fact that we will all swim and sink together. They would neither live in peace not let live in peace.

Every day we come across so many double standards. A man can’t write about his family and feelings, because being sensitive is the job of women. A lady can’t abuse a person who was molesting her, because she has to be reserved and wait for a guy to help her.

This is the most stupid form of discrimination prevailing in the contemporary world – Two Standards for Everything. Have a look at these double standards:

1. The 3-inch gap between top and jeans is vulgarity while 6-inch gap between blouse and saree is tradition.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

2. The girl with a male dominated friend circle is a slut while the boy with a female dominated friend circle is Prince Charming.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

3. The civilians injured during a terrorist attack are innocent victims while the civilians injured during an army combat are casualties of war.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

4. The poor caught with drugs are sent to jail for it is a crime while the Rich caught with drugs are sent to rehabilitation center for it is an abuse.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

5. The civil engineer standing in the Sun entire day is viewed as a laborer for his dark colour while the software engineer sitting in his air-conditioned office is viewed as a standard officer for his white skin.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

6. The throwing of garbage into your neighbor’s plot is waste disposal while throwing of waste outside your house is spreading diseases.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

7. The national days evoke patriotism in each and every citizen while the rest of the days evoke criticism in each and every citizen.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

8. The halt of traffic for a politician's car to pass is important to save their time while the halt of traffic for an ambulance to pass is a propaganda.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

9. The falling in love after getting married is a sign of values while falling in love before marriage is a sign of lack of values.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

10. The acceptance of mistake when someone points it out is humility while the pointing out of someone's mistake is showing off.

Did you know, interesting facts, unknown facts, facts about Indian society, different standards for different people in India, list of double standards, discriminations in our society, girls and boys have different rules, different rules for different people

These are just 10 double standards. Likewise, many double standards exist in our society. You will find them easily in every hook and corner of our society. Comment and let us know the double standards that you have come across and hated.

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