45 Abdul Kalam Quotes Which Will Inspire You To Achieve Success
A.P.J Abdul Kalam, known as Missile Man of India, was an inspiration for many students. He was very dedicated to his profession and was a man of simplicity.
His life will encourage people to have dreams. Many people get admired for him because of his personality.
A.P.J Abdul Kalam was the president of India from 2002-2007. His quotes became very famous and inspiring for those who are working hard to achieve their goals.
The quote helps the people who are depressed. Kalam was a treasure of India. Abdul Kalam becomes an inspiration not only for India but also abroad.
Abdul Kalam wrote many books. But most loved to read his book Wings of Fire. He gave many speeches about Education success and India. His birthday is celebrated as World Students Day.
Let us check out the list of the best Abdul Kalam quotes that will inspire you to achieve success. All the Abdul Kalam quotes are best but here are some of the quotes that will inspire you to achieve success.
1. “A dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.”

Let's start the list with my favorite Abdul Kalam quote.
This quote says that dream is not something that comes during sleep. It will not make you sleep.
So if you want to achieve, work hard for it until you achieve it.
2. “Dream, Dream Dream, Dreams transform into thoughts. And thoughts result in action.”

This quote tells that, always dream. One should work to make their dream real, they have to transform their dream into thoughts and that dram into action.
Always work for the dream to make it true.
3. “Suffering is the essence of success!!!”

The pain is the result of success. The hard times, obstacles will make the person stronger and give more power to achieve their dream.
Don’t stop by the obstacles. Throw the obstacles away and move forward.
4. “If you fail, never give up because FAIL means “First Attempt In Learning”."

The abbreviation of Fail is First Attempt In Learning. Failure teaches more than success. it gives many ways to achieve success.
Failure is the part and parcel of success. One cannot succeed without failure.
5. “To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.”

To succeed in the goal you should have focus. Focus like an eagle towards your goal. Many distractions will come and go but you should not get deviated.
Always have single-minded to your goal and work for it.
6. “We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.”
This is one of the best Abdul kalam quote for students. The main difference between the achiever and the loser is consistency.
The one who working continuously will become an achiever one day. So, do not give up and always defeat the problem. Do not allow the problem to defeat us.
7. "If a country is to be corruption-free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother, and the teacher."
One of the most appropriate Abdul Kalam quote.
In the world, three people teach good and bad things. They are mother, father, and teacher.
The mother and father are the first teachers for everyone. The person will spend most of the time in school and college.
The teacher is the important person who teaches and makes knowledgeable person after mother and father.
So these three people are the beautiful minds of the nation and responsible for country growth.
8. "Success Is When Your "Signature" Changes To "Autograph"."

Abdul Kalam is a great example of this quote. The person becomes successful when his signature becomes an Autograph. This is the signal for success.
9. "If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun".
The struggle, obstacles, and hard times will define a successful person. To become a successful person, one should face failures.
That failure will help to achieve dreams and goals.
10. “Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have the perseverance to realize a great life”.
This Abdul kalam quote is mainly for those who failed in their life.
Life will not be nice without failure. The man without a dream is like a body without a soul.
Fight for the dreamlike warrior. Keep fighting for your dream. Never stop fighting.
Consistency will make the person unique from others.
Don't lose hope. Keep acquiring knowledge and work hard.
11. “Small aim is a crime; have great aim”.

Always aim high. No matter you achieve or not. Aiming high and working for it will automatically make you achieve your goal.
The small aim will not help to become a successful person. The success depends on how you work for it. so aim high and achieve high.
This Abdul Kalam quote is a reminder for school and college students.
12. “The man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success”.
The difficulties faced during the journey of success will determine you and make you a unique personality than others.
These difficulties become an emotional tear after the achievement of goals.
Don't give up due to obstacles. Keep working towards your goal.
13. “The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation.”

The greatest motivation is their failure and hard times. They will help you to work more towards your dreams.
The Achievement of legends becomes self-motivation when someone feels disappointed or demotivated.
The story of a successful person will give the power to work continuously to achieve the goals.
14. “You see, God helps only people who work hard. That principle is very clear”.
This Abdul Kalam quote is dedicated to all the hard workers out there.
A hardworking person will achieve their dream one day.
Only the process will take time but they will succeed. A.P.J Abdul kalam says that God helps only people who work hard consistently.
15. "One of the very important characteristics of the student is to question. Let the students ask a question".
The student who asks a question to the teacher will have clarity in that subject.
The person who read after the teacher taught will have doubts. The question not only helps to acquire knowledge but also make good relationship with teachers.
More questions will give more knowledge about the subject and it becomes a very important characteristic of the student.
16. “Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness”.
The achievements will speaks more than the characters of the person. Don't run towards synthetic happiness. They ate temporary and achievements is permanent.
The popularity depends on the achievement they made and give the best memory.
17. “To become ‘unique, the challenge is to fight the hardest battle which anyone can imagine until you reach your destination".
The challenges are the best memories than others. It will give good times and help to reach ore destination. It also gives identification to others.
The hardest challenges will make a person more unique than others. This is one of the best Abdul Kalam quotes for all people who want to be different from others.
It helps to fight hard challenges to win the battle (goal).
18. “The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers.”

India has more youth than any country. Youths are the pillars of the country. Abdul Kalam says that youth can transform India.
They should not seek jobs in other countries. They should create jobs and enable them as job generators.
Only they have the power to make India a developed country.
19. “It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone, But It Is Very Hard To Win Someone”.
There is a difference between defeat and win. Defeat means to overcome and win means to conquer or achieve something.
It is easy to overcome than to conquer someone. Always hard work wins.
20. “Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work”.
Abdul Kalam quotes always tries to bring out the best in a person.
When you work hard continuously, the whole universe will help you to achieve your goals.
But it only happens to those who move towards their goals regardless of obstacles. Keep your sky as a limit that will give you the courage to work.
21. “Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realize your hidden potential and power, let difficulties know that you too are difficult”.
Difficulties you face in your life will be the best teacher. It will teach you how to achieve your goals in many ways.
The difficulties will help to know your hidden power and potential.
So, always face the difficulties with a smiling face and make the difficulties to know that you are more difficult and have the power to beat the difficulties.
22. “If you want to shine like a sun. First burn like a sun”.
If you want your life to shine, you have to work for it.
Nothing will happen if you are in your comfort zone. If you want to shine like the sun you should have the courage to burn like the sun.
Success is not a soft process. It has many obstacles. The person can shine like the sun only they work more than any others.
23. “All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds”.
All birds find shelter to prevent them from raining and hide in the shelter.
But the Eagle will not find shelter during a rain. It will fly over the clouds. So don't afraid of obstacles and hide from them. Always have courage like an Eagle.
Face the obstacle and defeat it. Have more focus on your dream like an Eagle.
24. "Without your involvement, you can't succeed. With your involvement you can't fail".
This Abdul Kalam quote says that if you don’t have any involvement towards your goal you cannot succeed.
If you want to win the race, you have to run faster than others to win the race. Without involvement, you only fail and will not achieve your goals.
25. “Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career”.
The strength will give you more energy to achieve success. It will also help you to shine in your career.
No matter how big your dream is, energy plays an important role to work for your dreams even it is to the top of Mount Everest.
26. “Do not wait for something big to happen. Start where you are with whatever you have.”

Always keep working towards your dream. Don’t wait for something to happen.
Start your work wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Faster you start your work con attain your goal fastly.
27. “Confidence and Hard-work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you a successful person”.
To be a successful person, confidence and hard work are the two important mantras. Without confidence, one cannot work continuously and hard work is necessary to achieve your goal.
Confidence and hard work are the two eyes of success. so always keep this with you and work through it.
28. "You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."
The habit is a personal remote to control your future. your habits will send a signal to the brain about what you are and what you going to achieve. The habits will help you to crave the future ass you imagined.
When your hard work becomes a habit, then it will become your identity.
So Habits are the most important tool to make your future better.
29. “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”

Abdul Kalam's quotes always motivate you to never give up on anything.
Many people are scared of failures. This mindset will never help to achieve anything. It stops you from moving towards your goals.
When you have a strong determination and courage about your success, you will not do any mistakes and face failures.
It will give them the power to work.
30. “Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others.”
Always believe in yourself and your work. Don't let your fate wins you. If you work hard you can win your fate.
The responsibility you take will teach you many things and make you stronger. It teaches how to overcome difficulties. So be active and take more responsibilities.
31. “Creativity is seeing the same thing but thinking differently.”

Another Abdul Kalam quote suggesting you all to be creative.
Everyone can work hard, but creativity will make you unique from others. Don't do differently do things differently. It will give a better identity.
32. “Don’t take a rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.”
Taking rest after your first victory becomes a barrier to achieve more.
If you fail in a second, people will say it just luck, then your hard work becomes a waste.
So keep trying to do more victory without rest. This will help to close the mouth of many people.
33. “Your best teacher is your last mistake.”
When you do a mistake you will come to know it is a mistake. Then you will not repeat this mistake.
So your mistakes and failure will teach you what you want to do and what you don’t want to do. so do not limit your success journey b mistakes and failures.
34. “LIFE and TIME are the world’s best Teachers. Life teaches us to make good use of TIME and TIME teaches us the value of LIFE.”
The hard times make the person know about himself. Their strength depends on how they take the hard times.
No matter how many times they fail but matters how they stand and move forward. The challenges make your life meaningful.
The hard times are good memories and good times will teach you a nice lesson.
35. “While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else.”
Next in the list of Abdul Kalam quotes is dedicated to children's dreams.
When a person is struggling in their life, the people around them will make you be a normal person.
If you want to be unique, you have to work more than others. That will make everybody around them shut their mouth.
36. “Unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects strength.”
The fear will make prevent you from moving forward and achieve your goals. Only strength will make you work hard and provide energy to succeed.
Everyone respects strength not fear.
37. “Thinking is the capital, an enterprise is a way, and hard work is the solution.”

Hard work is the solution to success. Thinking will help you to do things differently and enterprise is the way to success.
So thinking, enterprise, and hard work are the best way to be a successful person.
38. “One best book is equal to a hundred good friends, but one good friend is equal to a library.”
Reading books helps to improve knowledge and vocabulary. Reading one book is equal to hundred good friends.
But on good friend will give more knowledge than one book and this is equal to a library. So, Don’t make friends make good friends. Only friends will come with you always.
39. “Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person.”
Life is all about a game. Many people will compete. The person who works hard faces obstacles will win the game. Life is not an easy game.
People will make you down but consistency will make the difficult life easy.
40. “Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.”
The success stories will give you a good lesson. But reading failure stories will give ideas about how to overcome obstacles and things that should not do.
Failure teaches more things than success.
41. “Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around.”
This Abdul Kalam quote is for all those people who listen to their hearts more than their minds.
One should work according to their heart.
Working with half-hearted will not give you complete success.
42. “I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one cannot aspire enough for success.”
The person who succeeds without failure will not know the value of success.
Failure will give better enjoyment of success and give meaning to hard work.
43. “War is never a lasting solution for any problem.”

Abdul Kalam quotes never supported any violence.
The war will not resolve any problem. It gives more economic and social problems.
The war only destroys property and life.
44. “Over the years, I had nurtured the hope to be able to fly; to handle a machine as it rose higher and higher in the stratosphere was my dearest dream.”

The higher your dream will make you achieve many things. It does not matter you win or lose, the working towards the goals continuously makes you succeed.
So dream higher and achieve higher.
45. “If four things are followed – having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance – then anything can be achieved.”

This Abdul Kalam quote says that great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work and perseverance are the keys to success.
Those who follow this will achieve their goals.
So, I think you will get inspired by reading these APJ Abdul Kalam quotes. Life is not something we imagine.
Sometimes it takes its path and made us follow. Always be ready to face success and failures. Success and failure are like a coin. Life has both success and failure.
The only thing is how we face it. The person who overcomes the obstacle will achieve the goal finally. But a person who gets depressed by the failure and stops working will never attain their goal.
Determination, hard work, and perseverance are the tools to achieve the goal. So dream high and make your dream come true.
Apj Abdul Kalam's quotes help people who work to achieve their goals. Hardworking is the key to success. Don't give up and make your dream come true.
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