60 Beautiful Words In French Language

Jul 19, 2021

9 min read

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The French language is considered to be the most beautiful language in the world. 

This language is widely known as a language of love or a romantic language as it has several eloquent phrases and elegant pronunciation. 

There are so many beautiful words that are very wonderful to speak and are beautifully evocative.

Learning these words will be fun and useful for both writing and conversation purposes. It will spice up your vocabulary and help you to flex your knowledge of a foreign language. 

If one learns these beautiful French words surely they will be able to impress French native speakers.

Here are some beautiful French language words are taken from the vocabulary that will help you to enhance your knowledge and pronunciation of these phonetic sounds.

1) Feuilleter

The first one on the list of beautiful French words is Feuilleter, meaning “to leaf”. That is to quickly read something without paying attention to it.

2) Dépaysement

This beautiful French word's literal meaning is “un-country-ness”, the feeling of staying away from home in some different place or country.

3) Onirique

This French word is an adjective that means something that comes from a dream.

4) Éphémére

This beautiful French word is the same as the word in the English language ephemeral, which means short-lived or lasting for a short period.

5) Un je-ne-sais-quoi

It is a famous phrase sometimes used in English as well that means “I don’t know what”. It also means touch or a hint of something.

6) Un exutoire

It is an activity to get rid of someone from the uncomfortable and unpleasant feeling or memory.

7) Juilletistes

French people are serious about their summer vacations. So the people who flock towards the beach and coastal sides to relax in July are Juilletistes.

8) Aoutiens

The people or families who take their summer vacations in August are aoutiens.

9) Retrouvailles

This term describes the happiness of meeting someone special after a long period.

10) Émerveiller

This means to surprise or amaze someone with something special.

11) Ensorceler

This is a verb that is quite romantic and spooky at the same time. This means to enchant or cast spell on someone for something.

12) Jaspiner

Jaspiner means to talk, chat, or gossip, it represents the conversers or chatters.

13) Saperlipopette

This word is quite old-fashioned and is not frequently used nowadays. This word represents the astonishment of a person and it means “Oh my goodness” according to English.

14) Coquillage

Coquillages are seashells that are mostly found in southern France and are usually used for decorative purposes.

15) Bisous

Its literal meaning is “kisses”, and in France, one kiss or Bisou on each cheek is a way of greeting each other.

16) Hippocampe

The majestic creature seahorse is known as the hippocampus. For the beautiful creature, a beautiful name as this is suitable to show their strength and amazing exterior.

17) Chuchoter

This means to whisper in somebody’s ear or speak to someone very softly.

18) Parapluie

This word is associated with the beautiful rainy day as we all need it on such day, it means an umbrella.

19) Envie

Envie is desire. When French or Parisians express their wants and desire, they usually speak avoir (to have) envie (desire) de (to).

20) Pamplemousse

It is a large skinned yellow-orange skinned citrus fruit that has a slightly bitter taste which is also known as grapefruit.

21) Plein de vie

This phrase means full of life, which also includes excitement and wonder of a newly started relationship.

22) Joli(e)

A beautiful French word that itself means “very pretty”. This word is used to describe chic and natural beauties in the town.

23) Étoile

This word is one of the most beautiful among all the French words. Its literal meaning is a star. One must visit the France countryside for a romantic and ideal date.

24) Je t’aime

It is one of the French phrases which means “I LOVE YOU”. It is the most beautiful word that one can hear and feel at the same time.

25) Argent

The literal meaning of this word is silver, and the word is used in English as well which means something having a silver and shiny surface.

26) Arabesque

This word refers to the fashion or style adopted from Arabia

27) Bonbon

This French word means sweet and tasty candies. This word is quite famous in the whole world.

28) Cherie

This is a romantic phrase that means “my dear” or “my darling”

29) Chouchou

Again a word which is quite romantic and usually used by the people in love, it means darling.

30) Coeur

The literal meaning of this word is “heart”

31) Câlin

The word refers to giving a lovely hug to someone special.

32) Incroyable

This word also sounds like an English word and its meaning is incredible.

33) Papillon

This beautiful French word’s literal meaning is a butterfly, but it is also used to refer to delicate and fragility.

34) Silhouette

This French word has a close resemblance to the English word silhouette and both the words mean the same which is the dark or black image of any person or animal or any object.

35) Soirée

This French word is used in English as well and it means the formal night or evenings along with the musical performances.

36) Tournesol

This word refers to the beautiful bright yellow-colored flower that is the sunflower.

37) Amoureux

The word refers to the male lover that is boyfriend

38) Amoureuse

This refers to the female partner in a love relationship or girlfriend

39) Amour

It is a beautiful French word that refers to a beautiful feeling called love.

40) Félicitations

It is an English word as well which means to congratulate someone for something great.

41) Espérer

A word that means to give someone hopes or believes that something will or might happen well.

42) Flâner

This means to roam or wander around without knowing the destination in mind.

43) Gentil

It is to be gentle and kind to every living being on this planet.

44) Révasser

This means to daydream about something or someone.

45) Vivant

This refers to the person or any living being is alive or living well.

46) Mademoiselle

This word is also written in short as Ms’ which means Miss referring to an unmarried woman.

47) Fleur

A French word that refers to the beautiful flowers

48) Trésor

This word refers to the most precious and beautiful treasure.

49) Des torteaux

A beautiful word which refers to the people who are truly madly in love with each other or short terms we can say love birds.

50) Chaussures

This refers to the stylish or amazing pair of shoes.

51) Aubergines

This is associated with a vegetable of dark purple color also known as brinjal or eggplant in English.

52) Cache-Coeur

As we know Coeur is known as the heart and this word means crossed or wrapped over the chest or near the heart.

53) Chapeau

This beautiful French word, Chapeau means a stylish-looking hat.

54) Chatoyer

The word refers to the shimmer or shine of any object.

55) Jonquille

This refers to the lovely flower known as a daffodil.

56) Meilleur

It is the word that refers to better or best.

57) Rayonner

This is a French word that refers to radiate or shine brightly.

58) Bienvenue

It is a formal French word that means welcome in English.

59) Pâtisserie

This is a French word that is associated with small wild daisies.

60) Poisson

This beautiful French word refers to the deep sea, cool fish.

The above words are just a few examples of beautiful words in the French language. This tit-bit knowledge will help you to understand the language better and will arouse the hidden interest of yours of learning such an amazing language.

Please try and practice these words to make an impact on native speakers when you plan to visit France, at last, I would love to say you all Je t’aime!

Let us know in the comment box if you are aware of more beautiful French words.

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