Access The Dark, Deep Web – The Hidden Side of WWW
4 months ago
6 min read

Access The Dark, Deep Web – The Hidden Side of WWW

Since the internet came into existence in 1990, it changed the world in which we live. Due to the internet, we can get information about each and everything. You name it and you get it on the internet.

It helped in the development of the world, connecting people with each other, bringing them experiences in the comfort of their home.

Whether you want to know gossips like Taylor Swift’s dress malfunction or you want genuine political updates like Donald Trump writing a letter to Kim Kardashian, you can easily get it on the Internet.

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But as good and heavenly as it sounds, it is not. There is a hidden dark side of our beloved Internet as well. We are free to access the 8 billion pages that are present on the internet, while the vast majority of 900 billion pages remains hidden from us. And many of us don’t know about it.

Explore The Dark Side Of Internet

The internet is divided into 3 categories - Surface, Deep & Dark Web. We, as a user, use only 5% of the entire internet. The part we use is called the Surface Web and almost 95% of the Internet is hidden from a standard user, that is you.

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The standard users cannot access the remaining two thirds of the web, which consists of Deep & Dark Web.

But what are these? 

Should we even care about this? 

Why is it hidden from us? 

How can we get access to these webs?

And the list of questions will go on. We will answer all these questions, but first, let us understand what Deep Web is and what Dark Web is. Once we know this, we will quickly get the answers to the rest of the questions.

The Secret Treasure Of The World Wide Web

Deep web or hidden web or invisible web – whatever you want to call it, is a part of World Wide Web, which is accessed only through a special link or special URL of a website.

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Deep web mostly contains the cloud data or government secret projects or important researches or secured databases of huge universities, banks, multinational companies.

It can have anything which you cannot access through a search engine. Be it Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine, the deep web is inaccessible through all of them.

In order to access deep web, you need to have a special URL or IP Address. Along with this, you need an ID & password, or any type of authentication to log in. 

These special URLs are not indexed into any search engine. That is why they are hidden or invisible on the internet which everybody knows.

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The deep web is mostly used for sharing files, documents or folders or any information to a specific group of people all over the world, but not with everyone around the world. It is used for secure, private and secret motives.

This was about the deep web pretty straightforward. And it is not something to be afraid of.

The Real Thing Lies Much More Deeper

Having known about the deep web, you must also know about the dark web, which is much more deeper. It is that part of the world wide web, which should not be accessed by anyone, especially by a common user.

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The fact that a common user, who doesn’t know much about hacking or is a rooky/amateur hacker heck, is totally unaware of its ways and can land into trouble.

Even professional hackers stay away from this dark world of internet because they don’t know what can happen down there. It’s a place where if you are caught surfing, then the escape is next to impossible.

Dark Web Is The Hell Of Internet

Dark web websites form the hell of internet. Dark websites or dark web links are one of those things, whose danger potential is unknown to us.

Dark web is the black hole of the World Wide Web and all kinds of illegal activities takes place in the intellectual dark web. You name it and you get it.

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Prohibited things like trading of illegal drugs, dealing of arms, sharing child ***********, conducting botnet operations, killing people live, whistle blowing, blue whale game etc. are given effect by accessing the dark web.

Dark web links are also not indexed on any search engine. So, you cannot access dark web sites via any search engine. Additionally, the dark web access is not like deep web access.

Dark Web Tor Browser Is The Door

You cannot access it with the help of any internet browser that you use everyday. You would need a special internet browser called ‘Tor’ also called as ‘The Onion Router’ for browsing the Dark web and ‘I2P’ (Invisible Internet Project) to host your website on the dark web.

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Dark web is highly encrypted. If you compare all the webs, the encryption level in dark web is so high that the users and the host both cannot be tracked. Also, their IP Address cannot be located. 

Anybody using the dark web tor to access it can easily talk to the others accessing the dark we. But then it is very risky as the dark web is a place of twisted minds. Sharing any personal or private information can result in a huge loss – both mental and physical.

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It Is A Paradise For Criminals But It Is Hell For Others

Most of the dark web websites have a domain ‘.onion’. You can find lots of tunnels inside a dark web, also special rooms like the Red Rooms. 

Red Rooms are the live video streaming Onion or Shadow sites with the option of live IRC chats along with Bitcoin payment. You can call Red Room as Virtual Harassment Terminal.

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Many of the world’s heinous and blatant coercions are being executed live as per the inflow of Bitcoins to the Organizers, as per the orders of members in the Live IRC Chats.

When you login to a Red Room, you might see the Harassment Scenario (say a blindfolded woman is being tied to a rope with a chair). If a person says: "Smash her stomach, I paid $200". the hooded figure, who is in charge to harass that women, will do the same to her, once the payment gets confirmed.

Deep Web Is Clear And Legal While Dark Web Is Not

Deep web sites are those on to which the information is stored and can be accessed b regular browsers, by those who have access to the deep web sites.

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Contrary to this, Dark web is something that contains all the illegal contents of the internet, posing great threats to humanity.

Now you know the surface web, deep web and dark web in depth.

Spread the awareness!

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