Working from Home for longer time?
4 months ago
1 min read

Working from Home for longer time?

Have you ever thought that working from home or WFH could be applied for longr time, probably some companies will do forever?

This pandemic times really gives us so many burdens but also there are blessing in disguise we can find behind Covid-19 such as working from home. You can keep staying with family, spending more time, no more traffic jam as you always face everyday at normal times and so on.

Stay with family by Working from home

Actually this policy has been executed by some start-up companies where they can work anywhere as long as the job is done. For example, my former companies always permit me to do working from anywhere, but I must be ready anytime the boss calls me.

My friends also take one of five working day for doing working from home. Even though doing WFH, the job is done on high quality, maybe because they work without feeling tired after long trip from to office. Interested, isn’t?

Private and public companies still work from office because their dependance on employee’s existence is so high. We can say, better to do offline meeting than online, at that time. Especially they still use classic way for attendance.

Until Covid-19 came and spread, they tried to apply working home slowly but surely and they felt it will be good to apply for longer time. Even though not full Working from home , there is 25–50% going to the office based on the schedule.

After more than a year living in this pandemic times, they finally tried to apply working from home system, although not full, for longer time. Even though, some start-ups has been applied WFH more than a year.

It seems becoming a new trend, working from home for longer time. Most of companies and even employees said yes about this new policy. As employee, they can stay longer at home with family and the company itself can economize some tariffs.

Sounds good? Hopefully it will be real and the job is more productive than before.

Are you ready to working from home?

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