What will happen in The Boys Season 4?
2 months ago
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What will happen in The Boys Season 4?

What will happen in The Boys Season 4?


After this past weeks episode of The Boys, being the finale for their 3rd, and best season yet, what can we as the fans look forward to for the upcoming season that will make us be as happy as Todd whenever Homelander lasered through that Starlight fan supporter?

Stick around and you might find out.

So a few bizarre moments occurred throughout the episode, just like any other, that will be important factors for structuring the upcoming season.

1. Is Soldier Boy coming back?

In the last episode, we saw a fight that we knew was coming from a mile away finally come to its true form, The Boys vs Soldier Boy.

Soldier Boy was given the vapor that he was first given when he was abducted by the russians many years, to be put into a long sleeping period.

But after the events of the fight, exclusively between Homelander and Butcher, we know that he definitely wants revenge if and when he will wake up.

I believe that now that Ryan is on the dark side with Homelander, their powers combined will be more than The Boys can handle, and they will have no choice but to reawaken Soldier Boy once more.

2. Ryan becomes Homelander?

So we saw that at the end of the episode when Homelander lasered through the Starlight supporter Ryan bared witness to his dads actions.

The important part out of that moment was that Ryan actually smiled at the sight of what his dad had done, hinting that we might get to see Homelander 2.0 next season.

With Butcher failed to have kept his promise to Becca, he will have no choice to convince a now evil Ryan to turn back to the good side.

3. Are Butcher and Hughie deadmen?

A huge part of season 3, was that we finally got to see Butcher and Hughie gain powers from a temporary counterpart to Compound V.

Over the course of this subplot we discovered from Starlight that injecting more of this V will kill you violently.

Even at the end of the season we saw Butcher getting tested to see how long he has left until he perishes, which the doctor informed him “only a few months”.

Butcher stopped Hughie from taking more V, as Hughie was unaware to this side effect. We don’t know how great in danger Hughie is in, as he hasn’t been indicating any signs of these effects.

My guess would be that both Butcher and Hughie will take regular Compound V, only to negate the effects of Temp V, by turning them into full on superheroes.

4. Bye Bye Maeve?

Queen Maeve played the ultimate hero card in the last episode, as when Soldier Boy was about to beam all of The Boys out of existence, Maeve intercepted and had everyone think Soldier Boy took her life instead.

Minutes later in the episode, Maeve is shown alive, only to be in severe condition from the battle.

Her and her girlfriend finally feel at peace after all that has happened, and with Homelander and the world thinking that she died in the explosion.

Maeve leaves the city, and quite possibly the show, as it is shown in the end that Ashley saw the footage of the following events of The Boys finding her body and putting her in the van.

However she deleted the footage right afterwards, indicating that she wants to pretend Maeve is dead so that the feds will get off hers and Vought’s back.

5. RIP Noir?

After the cat was let out of the bag by Soldier Boy that he was in fact Homelanders father after an experiment by Dr. Vogelbaum, Homelander turns to Noir, as he was on the same time as Soldier Boy many years ago.

Noir admits that he was well aware of Homelander being Soldier Boys biological father, but Homelander being unable to trust Noir for not telling him.

Homelander ultimately and non-impulsively decides to kill Noir, and we are shown Noirs fictional critter friends one more time before he fully dies.

I see no way for this verson of Noir to return, and I say this version only because the Noir we recieved in the show was very different to that of the Noir in the comics.

Noir in the comics was a clone of Homelander made by Vought, and I believe that now that this version of Noir has been sent off the show, we can finally get a more comic accurate version of the character.

The Boys season 4 starts filming this upcoming August, and will be releasing sometime between 2023/2024.