What to do after high school ? Why do you want to take this path ?
This is the most asked question in a student’s life. Students mostly don’t like this question as it somehow seems to offend them. Ya! I am a student myself and I also sometimes get offended by this question. Well! my case is different cause I have already decided what to do after high school.
This is about the students who still do not have a plan of what to do next. Teenage life is a bit complicated and we teenagers mostly do not have any plans. We just behave like “go with the flow dear” but this cannot set a perfect future for us. We at some age or time have to think of what is next.
Okay! So starting with the first question, this question actually is very important as it sets a question in our mind “what will I really do after high school?”. Once this question arises we start thinking about our future which is damn important. We start locating our interests and our limits too. Once we have the idea of our interest then it really becomes very easy to answer this question.
Okay! So the next question is a bit complicated cause it's sometimes easy to decide what to do but why we want to do this we don’t know and setting a future goal without knowing why we want it and how will it benefit us, is totally useless.
First of all, when one is deciding about the future he/she should only think about his or her own interest and needs and not think about anybody or what the world will think.
Plans after high school are the most crucial plans of one’s life because this is the time when we create a healthy, wealthy, and beautiful future for us. The fact is that nobody is going to create a beautiful life ahead of you. It is only you who can create or destroy your life and yourself.
Hence, this planning is essential for a good life ahead.
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