What Is Imsi Ivf Fertilization?
To understand what IMSI technology is and how it works, it is necessary to consider the method of ectopic insemination IVF ICSI. It provides:
Collection of male semen and female germ cells from spouses
Fertilization of the egg in the laboratory
Development of the embryo in favourable conditions
The introduction of the embryo into the uterus
engraftment of the fetus and its further development is no different from a normal pregnancy.

Sperm selection for IMSI
The IMSI method is an improved method of ectopic insemination. It involves a careful selection of spermatozoa based on the following criteria:
The direction of movement
Set of genetic information.
Doctors use microscopes to take the best sperm samples and cut off their tails (for immobilization). The sperm is placed into the egg using a glass syringe.
What is the essence of the ICSI method?
ICSI IMSI technology allows you to select the best material for conceiving a child. With its help, spermatozoa are screened out, which:
Are not able to fertilize the egg under any circumstances
Create a high risk of miscarriage (50% or more) in the first 3 months of pregnancy
Contain an insufficient amount of genetic material and create a risk of having a child with abnormalities
Cause premature development of the fetus, representing a danger to the mother's body.
To select spermatozoa, microscopes magnify the image by 6.5 thousand times. Thanks to this, scientists have the opportunity to carefully study the morphological (external) features of the material and weed out unsuitable samples. For comparison: during IVF ICSI, equipment magnifies the image only 400 times.
How is IMSI performed?
In what cases is it necessary to resort to IMSI
The use of ICSI IMSI is justified in the following cases:
A limited number of eggs
2 or more unsuccessful ICSI procedures
The high content of pathological spermatozoa in the ejaculate (96% or more)
premature termination of a previous pregnancy.
This procedure is recommended for couples over the age of 35. It is given to men with poor sperm quality and prevents most male factor-related problems.
Who needs IMSI?
The IMSI method is recommended for spouses who seek:
maximize the chances of conceiving a child;
reduce the risk of having children with pathologies and diseases;
increase the likelihood of the birth of a beautiful, smart and healthy child;
avoid miscarriage and complications during childbirth.
Stages of IMSI
IMSI in Lahore is carried out in several steps.
Doctors examine spouses.
Take blood, urine, and smear from the vaginal wall for analysis.
Conduct a future mother ultrasound of the pelvis.
Appoint a woman to take hormonal drugs.
Collect samples of sperm and eggs.
Laboratory staff select the best samples of eggs and cultivate them in an incubator for 2-3 days (for full maturation). In parallel, doctors determine the most mobile and morphologically correct spermatozoa.
Next, doctors fertilize several eggs in the laboratory, cultivate them in a unique environment for several days and select the best embryos. It is they who are introduced into the uterus. A few days after the successful engraftment of the embryo, the expectant mother is discharged from the hospital. The whole procedure lasts 2-3 weeks in a static mode.
Difference between IMSI and ICSI
The difference between ICSI and IMSI is the approach to the study of spermatozoa. ICSI involves only the careful collection of samples and their introduction into the egg. When conducting IMSI, doctors use high-precision microscopes to determine all the features of biological material. Among thousands of specimens, they find the most mobile spermatozoa with good morphology and weed out low-quality samples.
The difference between ICSI and IMSI
How is IMSI performed? IMSI fertilization in Lahore has the following features:
The best sperm samples are introduced into the female egg;
All operations with spermatozoa are performed under a powerful microscope.
Due to this, the risk of damage to the material is significantly reduced.
Otherwise, the IMSI method is carried out the same way as IVF ICSI.
How to prepare for IMSI?
For ectopic insemination to be successful, you must follow the recommendations of doctors;
Healthy food
Give up alcohol and tobacco
Walk a lot, exercise
Avoid stress and nervous shocks.
Cost of IMSI in Lahore
The price of the procedure depends on where you decide to have IMSI done in Lahore. After all, each clinic has its financial policy and price tag. Also, the cost of fertilization is affected by the following:
The types and amount of hormonal drugs that are prescribed to a woman;
the presence or absence of additional procedures that the expectant mother needs to undergo;
the duration of the patient's stay in the hospital.
If you are interested in how much the ivf cost in Pakistan (ectopic fertilization of eggs), we have an answer - from 0.5 to 1 Million Rs.
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