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Here are the TVBoss OTO links. 1,2,3,4,5 Get The 5 OTO Links With A Discount And Huge Bonuses OTO TVBoss You will receive Massive There is one TVBoss Front-End and five TVBoss OTO Editions.+ bundle deal + coupon code
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Note: Buy Front-End before OTOs to work well. you can buy FE or OTOs from the Locked link below 📷
>> Front-End <<
>> OTO1 Fire Up Your Results FULL Training Edition <<
>> OTO2 Channel Optimizer – 2 Years Pack Edition <<
>> OTO3 Marketers Goldmine & Channel Brander Edition <<
TVBoss OTO Links Above – What is TVBoss ?
April 2018 We pioneered a new concept in the video business when we released TV Boss Fire v1. This platform enables users to launch and control their very own television channel on Roku, the market leader in TV on demand, giving them access to 44.6 million potential viewers in the United States alone >>>.
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Product Overview
We also have bonuses for everyone, so people um have purchased and they have bonuses. It will all be in here, like you can see down the guides that we have um. Obviously the bonus is just down there. We have tutorials, we have the essentials, bootcamp webinars and then a weekly notice board yeah. So everything everything is included to get started with the vbols yeah.
Oh yeah, the training that we have um i'll, do it now. So we have a variety of videos. But if you look at the videos right now, a lot of people love the training that we give on this. Just because it's just so short and to the point that it just gets people going rather than filling people's heads with a load of fluff yeah. Exactly yeah, i know this, it was.
It was good what i saw yeah, so this one is two minutes and 28 seconds and then this one's three minutes - 29 Yeah no fluffy they're, just very short, bite-sized chunks, yeah, because then i find people learn easier that way, rather than watching a two-hour video or an hour video, they can break it down and then they can go back to those things as well. Yeah. Exactly that's the tutorial section and then the my channels bit. This is where the magic happens once you've gone through the tutorials. Now it's very basic, but it's very, very simple here, populates on this, this part of the screen will populate where your channels are when you create them, but obviously this is a fresh account.
If you look over on the right, you click create a channel once you do that you're just literally asked to fill in just some very basic things, yeah. So the name, the description, the channel icon, which you can upload. Here we have a channel optimizer as well, which is an upgrade okay. So basically we help drive traffic to people's content um and that's where people can actually just jump into it. Um.
Moving on from that the description, so you describe your channel and then you basically hit next, which is then the settings now, as you can see, they're really not difficult things to fill out your name provider name the language um, your communication, mail, your content type. So it's a short form, video, a movie, etc, etc. And then you can also add your own affiliate url, because what we like to do is we want people like yourselves making as much money as possible. So if you do things like you, you want to embed your channel externally. It would say um powered by tv boss, so then, in there you can actually have an affiliate link where you can actually generate sales.
Nice, i think, that's quite cool, because it's an extra way so so, basically, everyone is automatically approved to be an affiliate for tv bus if they purchase exactly, they just have to apply, and we just approve them: okay, cool um! Oh, you can remove it, you're, not obviously um yeah, you can choose yeah yeah and then you can enable it, which is your about watch, page and store pages and stuff. So basically, we have watch pages where it on this page as well. Outside of that there's, your content will actually be shown as well, because, like say, we want to get as much traffic to people's content as possible, because that's the aim of the game right, yeah and then once you once you've filled these out. It will give you an embed code for your about on watch pages.
Like i say you can just embed it into your sites and stuff, and then you can basically watch and publish your channel from there and that's it if you have um an old system or anything like that of the older tv box, what we did was is We made it so people can import their channels as well, so they can move over as easy as possible. That'S just something there and obviously moving forward as things improve. If people ever want to move things or um, i don't know, say you have another account for some reason, for you want to keep two businesses separate. It'S just easier to move things about that way. Okay, that is basically okay, and then we have the video section, which is just where you populate your channel, which is you hit the arrow here and then you have just the the content.
Okay, your video id yeah, the title, your video, the description, the date because it does content scheduling as well. So if you can, whatever whatever you want your you can pre-populate this and then the content exactly you can prepare up front exactly so. If you ever want to go on vacation or you want to set and forget your content, say: you've got 50 videos, 10 videos. Whatever it is, instead of just going in weekly whatever it is, i don't know. However, your schedule is obviously - or you can literally put them all in and then schedule them for whenever you like so just get released, and then there's just some basic questions and some tags and stuff which is the video tags, are what help people search.
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