Top 7 Australian Locations for Whale Watching
This vast country is home to a plethora of animal species, both on land and in water. And if you were to compare the luscious see wildlife with the rest of the world, you will find it hard to compare. Not only is Australia home to magnificent whale species, but its warm waters prove a calming and secure place to mate and nurse their calve. Hence the reason why so many whale species ram around Australian waters. If you wish to go whale watching, here are some of the must-see spots in Australia to put on your bucket list.
1. Great Australian Bight Marine Park, SA
As Australia is home to about 60% of the whale population, it's no wonder that most cliffside spots around the coastline are the ideal place to see whales. For instance, you can see southern right whales around the Great Australian Bight any time of the year. If you were to go to the Head of Bight region, you would be directed to one of such amazing cliff-top viewing spots, and there you will be able to see southern right whales mating, calving, and nursing any time between May and October. All of which is happening just 100m off the shore.
2. Bremer Bay, WA
The number one place to see outstanding orcas is Bremer Bay. With around a 5-hour drive southeast from Perth to the Great Southern, you will have the genuine chance to see orcas in family pods of around 6-20 individuals. The best way to see these extraordinary animals is to hire experienced whale watching Bremer Bay tours that specialize in operating in harmony with these large cetaceans. Observe and document these amazing Australian orcas with the help of professionals to guide and you will have a memorable experience.
3. North Stradbroke Island, QLD
Whether you are a keen tourist or a fierce local, going to North Stradbroke Island any time between June and November won't leave you empty-handed. During these times you would be able to spot around 200 humpback whales as they gracefully pass this water. It only takes a couple of minutes by ferry from Brisbane's bayside to witness these amazing Australian sea creatures in action. This location is ideal for little ones as well because the Point Lookout offers a safe and direct view of these gigantic mammals.
4. Whitsundays, QLD
Another Australian gem – the Whitsunday Island, the only place in the entire continent where you can see the rare albino humpback whale. Not only them, but if you wish to see lovely see short-finned pilot whales and humpbacks, this is the place to go in Australia. What attracts these whale species are the warm, shallow, and sheltered waters because this is where they can calve in the nursery grounds. Due to shallow waters, the best time to visit Whitsundays is between May and September.
5. Bass Coast, VIC
The mesmerizing soaring cliffs of Pyramid Rock and Cape Woolamai are the number one places to head out to for whale-watching in Australia. In the Victoria region, these tremendous marine mammals can be seen in action anywhere around Gippsland's Bass Coast. What's more, southern right whales, humpback, great Killer Whales, and orcas are common visitors to these waters. Don't forget to jaunt along the Bass Coast Whale Discovery Trail any time from April to November to check out plenty of amazing whale-watching points that also have a great number of informative signage.
6. Bruny Island, TAS
The tremendous southern right and humpback whales are common visitors of immaculate blue Bruny's waters. If you are looking for an ideal location for whale watching, go to Adventure Bay on South Bruny on any date from September to December to see these perfect sea creatures. Plus, most of these mammals tend to take shelter for up to five weeks so you can see them easily just if you were to walk along the island's coast. If you are lucky, you can spot special whale species such as the pygmy right whale, orca, or minke.
7. Eden, NSW
The town of Eden celebrates its arrival each year with the Eden Whale Festival. There are fun live shows, a parade through the streets, and a local street market. This is not to only reason you should head out to Eden's coast. Any time from September to November you will have a unique opportunity to witness large pods of a humpback that migrate southward. They are so close to the shore that it would leave your breath away. For those who want to dwell, even more, they could head out to Sapphire Coast town and have a look from one of the many land-based vantage points. In the end, in Eden, you can always go on a boat for a thrilling whale-watching tour.
Amongst the above-mentioned locations for whale watching in Australia, there are many other, but these are the must-see ones, especially for all adventure seekers.
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