Tired? Bored Towork why Does This Happen? What Are the Solutions?
Feeling tired all the time? Feeling bored with all the things you have to do? Does the job seem overwhelming?
But you may be suffering from burnout. You may not know that.
Burnout or burnout is now officially recognized by the World Health Organization as an occupational disease.
It defines burnout as "an illness that often results from stress at work."
Feelings of lethargy, alienation and boredom related to work and work are symptoms of this disease.
However, it may be difficult to know what the problem is.
"People who are close to you, managers can recognize that you have this disease
People suffering from lethargy may become restless, bored, depressed, detached, stop eating properly, and feel constantly tired.People who frequently miss work due to back pain, indigestion or headaches may actually be suffering from lethargy.
If you find yourself suffering from depression, ask yourself these questions:
Has someone close to you told you to cut back on your work?
Have you been feeling angry or sad lately about your work, your co-workers, or your customers?
Do you feel guilty that you don't spend enough time with your friends, family, and ultimately yourself?
Are you experiencing increased emotional outbursts such as crying, getting angry, yelling, and feeling anxious for no good reason?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, then it's time for a change. These questions, designed for the health program of British doctors, are useful for all those who work and work to know if they have a chronic disease.
In fact, it takes six months to a year and a half to develop this insidious disease
They say that they are suddenly unable to do the things they used to do very well. They are surprised as if their magic has not gone away.
The previous creativity and skills become extinct and fall into the pattern of 'how to continue'.
Depression is very different from stress
"Stress is broadly speaking...when the demands on you are greater than the resources available in any given situation. Those resources can be mental, physical, time - skills.''
Humans need some stress to perform well. But once the work reaches its climax, the pressure reaches its peak.. the pressure increases.. the work starts to fall.
Not only those who have career aspirations...
There is a misconception that depression affects only those who are passionate about career advancement... or those who don't like what they are doing, but that is not true.
"Teachers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, we see many people in various professions who are generally high achievers, work perfectionists may be more depressed. Because they get a lot of value through the recognition of their work."
Depression can have a profound effect not only on those who work, but also on those who take care of the home.
"People who are responsible for the care of children or elderly relatives, people with disabilities - etc. can be classified as suffering from severe depression. These patients are completely exhausted. It can also happen that you are suffering from a depression that does not even get sympathy
However.. many people are ashamed to say that they are apathetic. The reason for this is that there is a feeling of rejection towards it
They blame themselves for their depression
There are things we can do to reduce our risk of depressionAnother problem is that people under high stress tend to focus on things they cannot control. Another problem is that stress can be reduced by focusing only on things they can control. This is known as the zone of power.
Also.. it is important to prioritize the tasks to be done instead of adding more tasks to the schedules which are already full of many tasks.
Also, find ways to help achieve work-life balance
Millennials who work in the field of entrepreneurs and digital-technology.. are subject to many changes and job insecurity.
Increasing our fluency is one of them. That is, being able to respond to stress in a healthy way. Being able to rise up like a ball when faced with challenges.. becoming stronger in that order.
It's important to find time to do things that make you feel healthy, such as exercise, socializing, and getting enough sleep.
"Making big changes at once is really difficult. So start with small tasks. Things like walking for five minutes during lunch, drinking coffee with a friend.''
Causes of depression:
Not being fair at work
Unmanageable workload
Lack of clarity on duties to be performed
Lack of support from managers
Unreasonable deadline pressure
The biggest cause of work stress can be a toxic work culture. When companies are under pressure to cut costs, they expect more results from fewer employees. Organizations need to do more to identify this aspect of the problem
"Although companies offer some support in case of stress at work, often the focus is on the individual, the employee, not the organization."
"The perception now is that the employees themselves are under pressure. They think 'so we will help them to stand on their feet'. But.. it is rare to focus on the issue of changing the procedures followed at the workplace.'