Thinking About a Practice Management Software for Ophthalmology?
2 months ago
3 min read

Thinking About a Practice Management Software for Ophthalmology?

With the title Practice Management Software, you may have guessed that the purpose of this article is to sell you the product! That is, at least, what some people assumed. However, because eye care management is such a delicate and precise profession, we at Ehnote believe that doctors should not end up with an ophthalmology EMR that complicates rather than simplifying their clinical management.

The generic and redundant client-server software’s are accustomed in several eye care settings. Assembled by stereotypes of “Traditional architecture”, fancy catchphrase like “complete ownership and control”, and boasts of one-time investment, with all these justifications, falling through the cracks! Is the client-server system still a right choice for your Ophthalmology practice?

ophthalmology ehr software
ophthalmology ehr software

Consider the following limitations before you dive in headfirst:

Hidden Costs: It is a known fact that On-premise software requires an upfront capital investment, leaving your financial resources limited for other operations. Other tasks are sometimes compromised by organizations, resulting in an imbalance in the clinical workflow. According to certain Client-scope vendors, a client-server system is significantly less expensive than a cloud-based Ophthalmology EMR. However, the cost comparisons are biased and incomplete.

Limits you Eyecare Organizations scale: The client-server hospital management system is still in its infancy, and healthcare architecture models are constantly evolving. “Can we afford to scrap, re-build, or re-buy this system in two years?” should be asked of every client-server Ophthalmology EMR vendor. If your Eyecare hospital scales up and needs more storage space or other capabilities, it’s more difficult to scale your Client-server Ophthalmology EMR  quickly. Unlike cloud-based Hospital Management Software, which allows Eye care settings to upgrade their plans with a single click, on-premises software requires you to install new hardware and devote manpower to building the new systems

System openness: System openness refers to the client-server system’s ability to operate with a variety of software and hardware setups. Apple’s system is not compatible with IBMs, and vice versa. Assume your eye care setting requires advanced integration to expand in the future. What will happen if the designed system isn’t compatible with several platforms? Integration into a client-server EHR would be a difficult task, Perhaps Impossible!.

No data firewalls: Eye care providers have only dumb terminals in on-premise systems, which can’t support local data storage, and data is saved in the central system. he traditional method of data security control is to create passwords for various levels of data authorization. Severe data security measures are often incompatible with user-friendliness.

In Cloud-based Ophthalmology EMR, on the other hand, Clinical data is maintained in walled gardens, where the administration may establish the degrees of authorization for data access.

ophthalmology ehr
ophthalmology ehr