Thin Blood Vs. Thick Blood
3 months ago
3 min read

Thin Blood Vs. Thick Blood

Thin blood is a problem that affects a small number of people. They have a low platelet count, which is a blood component that assists in clotting. The most noticeable signs of thin blood are copious bleeding and bruising. Plasma, purple blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are the four primary components of blood.

Platelets make about 1–2% of blood and aid in clotting.

A low platelet count causes thin blood, commonly known as thrombocytopenia.

The typical platelet count in blood is between 150,000 and 400,000 per milliliter. Platelet counts less than 150,000/mL may suggest thin blood. 


The spleen produces platelets. Platelets have a limited lifetime of 7 to 10 days after formation.

A low platelet is counted reasons skinny blood. A low platelet count may be because of a variety of motives, together with the subsequent:

Platelet manufacturing has been reduced?

Platelet counts can drop because of viral infections such as HIV, Hepatitis C, mumps, rubella, or the Epstein-Barr virus. Platelet production can also be affected by bone marrow illnesses such as leukemia and lymphoma.


Blood thinners are utilized by sure patients to reduce their chance of a heart attack or stroke. Blood thinners are divided into categories:

 Antiplatelet medicines, consisting of aspirin, can thin the blood and save your platelets from clotting.

Anticoagulants like heparin and warfarin help to extend the time it takes for a clot to shape.

Splenic dysfunctions:

Because the spleen manufactures platelets, splenic disorders might result in thin blood. The spleen is affected by the following conditions:

Splenomegaly refers to an enlarged spleen.

Hypersplenism, a condition in which platelets become stuck in the spleen.

Platelet breakdown has increased.:

Platelet breakdown can be increased in autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

 A person's blood may become thin if new platelets are not produced quickly enough.

Chronic hepatitis is a kind of liver disease (CLD):

The hormone thrombopoietin, which increases platelet production, is reduced by CLD.

When thrombopoietin levels are low, platelets develop at a slower rate.


Thin blood is seldom accompanied by symptoms. Typically, it is discovered after a blood test for another ailment.

Because low platelet counts make it more difficult for blood to clot, anybody who has significant or prolonged bleeding, even from a slight cut, may have thin blood.

Other signs and symptoms and symptoms consist of bleeding gums, nosebleeds, blood within the *****, and heavy menstrual go the flow without clots. Purpura, or quick bruising, can occur in people with thin blood, as can petechiae, or pinprick hemorrhages on the skin.

Thin blood vs. thick blood:

Thin blood causes clotting, wound healing, and bruise issues. Thick blood, however, can grow the hazard of blood clots and thrombosis, each of which can be existence-threatening.

Thick blood risk factors include:




 inflammatory response

Diabetes and

insulin resistance

Dietary decisions, such as ingesting an excessive amount of cholesterol,

Polycythemia is a disorder in which the blood thickens owing to an excess of red blood cells.

Thick blood, on the other hand, can increase the risk of blood clots and thrombosis, both of which are life-threatening.


The treatment for thin blood is determined by the underlying cause. However, addressing the underlying reason may not always result in an increase in platelet count, and the blood may remain thin.

Doctors sometimes use corticosteroids to treat blood problems like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). In extreme situations, a platelet transfusion may be recommended.

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