Random Scribbling (2)
4 months ago
1 min read

Random Scribbling (2)

To the tiny bits of us,

Here we are adding pages to the journal that we are living. Only we know how hard growing up has been on us...life is so unfair. But the tiny bits like the little laughs, that last slice of pizza, the end of a cornetto (you know it's the best part) etc...these little things does make a difference right. I mean if I am having a crappy day a cup of coffee makes me feel better. We all have had our own shares of trouble and from what my gut tells me it's only about to get harder we are just at the beginning of the tunnel. The unnecessary things too I don't know if I am right or not but just think about all the stupid conversations you have with your friends at that moment seems so meaningful and makes so much sense. But take a moment to think about it now, it was rubbish and such a waste of time. But that moment is cherishable.

Growing up means becoming more and more serious about life with every passing day. It is tough and monotonous,we all need a break and there's no harm in it. Your favourite things and favourite people are the way to make your mundane life interesting. Feel the heat, take the pressure but there's no point in stressing beyond what you can turn into a positive outcome. The increasing stress what may seem harmless today is capable of growing into panic attacks. If you ever feel like you aren't good enough or whatever efforts you are making won't make a difference in the result, take rest it's a sign of your brain telling you "bhai ebr ghumiye por ami r nite parchi na". Live a comfortable life, appreciate the criticism be more careful about it in future. But becoming so invested in it that you forget what is it like to listen to music or taking a deep breath or even paying a little attention to yourself is not worth it. Don't be scared to face your issues head on and don't be shy to ask for help when you feel like giving up.Believe me I learnt it the hard way.


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