Online Dating Threat or Blessing
The recognition that a relationship is positive or negative is based on the people in it. People tend to build up different vibes and attitudes due to the growth of influence of growth, maturity, peer group influence and the environment. Meeting someone who has the same vibes as you, following up with this person and building some kind of mutual relationship, but for you to later find out that he or she is pretty far from you and the probability of you guys meeting is at the rate of 60%. You might start thinking I want to meet this person but your hands are tied due to finance or probably you are the closed house type, meaning, your movements are always monitored by your parents and mostly kept in close check by them.
The internet serves as a way to get in touch with the world, but getting in touch with someone you feel is a blessing to you, but you guys are barred by distance, it is really painful. Now let's talk about online dating being a threat. Deceptions are now a common commodity on the internet. People find it hard to trust strangers or even give them a chance at all. The act of putting up nice pictures on their profile picture, looking stunning, beautiful or handsome and putting up some catchy words on their profile just to draw attention is now so common.
Guys are known to be sweet talkers, most especially online and it seems like most girls are now used to it making it look like a random anthem or treating them like a joke. Girls, you really can’t blame those niggers on your Dm that want to get in touch with you. I know what always comes to your mind is that they are junk of scum who are after what is under the skirt. Same goes for guys. see a girl online and get in touch with her, but you notice she is full of deceit and trying to use you or play you. Most girls, especially the beautiful ones, mostly use guys to pass time. That is why they hardly believe any word from a beautiful girl.
Now, talking about online dating being a blessing, seriously there is nothing as beautiful as the word “Blessing”. It is called a plus in every aspect it appears. The whole thing of meeting someone online, even with the distance barrier, this person is willing to listen to you, appreciate your personality and idea of how you see the world. Accepting this kind of person into your life though some conflict do come up, but the will and effort of never letting go is being shared equally and balanced, giving you guys an edge over all those issues and overcoming them.
The fact that online dating can be a blessing or a threat matters on how both sides play their cards. If they feel I can move with this person, but at least you must not be dumb to reveal all your cards to people you meet online if you do not want it to be a threat to you eventually.