Notion Millions Oto 1 to 5 Otos’ Links +Bundle Deal& Bonuses
Notion Millions OTO Links Above - What is Notion Millions ?
How did I do that? I did it by sharing knowledge that take seconds to create that sells over and over again. I am becoming a master of leveraging my time. I create something in seconds that gets me paid 24 hours a day.
My newest strategy is selling Notion “Knowledge Templates”. They are so simple to create yet so powerful for money making.
How did this come about for me and how can you profit from this?
It started a few months ago when I found out about a couple of guys crushing it with Notion Templates. One guy did 200K with this. The other is doing 100k Months.
When I discovered this for myself it was right up my alley.
I’ve been crushing it for years selling simple digital products.
In this notion, Millions review I'm going to be showing you a course that's going to teach you how they've been able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars simply by selling little templates in a software called notion. I'M going to show you what this is and, of course, what this isn't and make sure you stay into the end of this review, as I'm also going to show you all the different, otos and upgrades. So you know exactly what you're getting into if you decide to purchase if you're new to my channel, my name is Mike Thomas, I'm a seven figure, affiliate marketer. I do these reviews every single day so that you can get the best deals and upcoming software courses. If, at any point during this review, you want to check out notion Millions just go ahead and click that link below also, please like this video.
It really helps out my YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification. Last thing before we jump in here, I just want to show you my bonus page. I'Ve got a ton of extra bonuses that you're going to be getting. If you purchase this through my link, all these bonuses will be waiting for you right inside of warrior, plus after you purchase through my link. Let'S take a look at the sales page here together.
It says six figures: a month selling a notion, knowledge template. Let the the notion million system show you exactly how you can profit from this crazy new industry with absolutely no skills, choose the power of no code and AI to Simply copy and paste to create the content. So essentially, what this is notion is a software and it's a productivity software that people use online and there are tons of people using it and the reason why that's really important is because all these people want these different templates that they can use with software and People are like this guy right here, made 183 thousand dollars in 2020, looks like 2023, and you made two hundred thousand dollars online in 2022. From this and he's just 20 years old, you can see some of the sales from his dashboard. A pretty amazing results again selling little templates that people can use inside of this notion software, and you don't have to use notion yourself.
You don't even really need to know what notion is you just need to be able to understand how to make these templates in order to sell them to people now these templates are things like personal cookbooks gratitude. Journal movie TV show tracker gift ideas, main Home Maintenance, family trees, Pet Care, gaming Journal, plant care, dream journals. Those type of things are that people are willing to pay for look at this. One right here is 373 dollars simply for that 97.97.
9 people are actually paying for these templates. Now you don't have to make six figures like he is, but even if you just made a little bit from this a little bit of extra side income, it could be worth it for a lot of people here. So that's the front end offer that's going to start off at a low price point and it's going to go up throughout the launch. So just be aware of that. But his products aren't usually super expensive.
I'M gon na go ahead and actually go right to the members area, because there is no video for this one. So this is what you're going to get access to after you purchase it's in PDF form where they walk you through the entire process. It'S 66 Pages. I'M not going to go through too much of it because I know he doesn't want me to show it all to you, because you do need to pay for it. If you want it, but it's in PDF form with tons of different links and and the content for you to easily understand how this all works.
Now there are multiple upgrades. The first one here says: if you want to do this right, get paid the most and save yourself a ton of pain. You can get this one. His three notion templates that crush it. How I make seven figures on the internet in a live, no pitch session and all of his 2022 front end products, so this is an optional upgrade.
The next one. Is you get your templates for free how you can Crush the game with plr much more so if you want to actually not have to create them yourself, access eight different notion templates how you can get unlimited beautiful templates for free to resell office 2022 upsells. First products and become a guarantee, an affiliate with guarantee approval of this. So if you want to sell it, you can as well the next one. Here is it's going to give you access to 300 plr, get 100 commissions, put your notion spreadsheets on Etsy and get all of his 2021 products and their upsells.
So that's another optional upgrade next one here you can get 100 commissions on on a high ticket. Ai complete, funnel get 100 commissions on it. It and then the last one is uh, looks like a traffic method here for this. So all these otos are optional pick and choose the ones that you want and forget the ones that you don't okay. So what do I like about notion millions and what don't I like about it?
If I had to say something that I don't like about it, it's the fact that it's not something that, like everyone, necessarily is going to understand right off the bat you might be going. What the heck is notion so just be aware of that uh. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it's not something, that's profitable. What do I like about this uh? This is something that's based on real proof.
It'S based on someone, that's actually making money selling these templates if someone else can sell them. There'S no reason why you can't sell them as well. If this is something that interests, you then check this out. Thank you so much for checking out my notion, Millions review. If you want to take a look at it, go ahead and click that link below.
Also, please like this video. It really helps out on the YouTube channel and I appreciate it and make sure you hit that subscribe button and Bell notification as always. Thank you. So much for watching I'll, see you again in my next video thanks.