10 Fun Facts About Colours That Are Common Yet Go Unnoticed By Us
2 months ago
4 min read

10 Fun Facts About Colours That Are Common Yet Go Unnoticed By Us

“Colour is uncontainable. It effortlessly reveals the limits of language and evades our best attempts to impose a rational order on it.”, David Batchelor said. And it is true from the first word to the last.

Colours are closely related to our emotions. On the evidence of language alone, colour are closely bound to feelings. What you see has a visual impact on you. There is an emotion associated with every colour. Like yellow is for happiness, red is for motivation, purple is for wisdom, and so on.

Based on these emotional values and scientific findings, 10 facts about colours are listed below.

1. Blue and white are most common school colors.

If you closely notice all the school dresses, you will see those cheques in various shades of blue and white everywhere. The colour blue stands for loyalty, discipline, integrity, sincerity and responsibility while white is for peace and non violence. That is why blue and white are the most common school colours.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

2. Black on yellow is a combination that makes the strongest impact.

Yellow is the most visible colour of the spectrum. The human eye processes yellow first. This explains why yellow along with black, which gives a sharp contrast, is used for road dividers, cautionary signs and emergency rescue vehicles.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

3. Red with yellow make us hungry.

Red and yellow are the most appetizing colours, hence used by restaurants and hotels in large proportions. KFC also uses a red background, so does Mcdonalds, so does Burger King. And now you know why each of them are selling so well.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

4. The human eye can distinguish more shades of green than any other colour.

The human eye is more sensitive to green colour than any other colour of the spectrum. the night vision goggles of soldiers are green so that they can see even the slightest of activity in the night very clearly.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

5. Commercially t-shirts are available in more shades of white than any other colour.

Logically speaking, a t-shirt is worn during summers when the temperatures are hot. The most preferred colour by people to wear during summers is white as it radiates out the heat. Therefore, most of the companies make t-shirts on white base to maximise their sale.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

6. World’s most popular colour choice is blue.

For whatever reason, blue has a calming effect on people. Nearly 40% population loves the blue colour. In fact, a man has more chances to attract a woman if he wears the colour blue. The other reason beside the calming effect can be, that blue is not commonly found in nature except for the sky.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

7. The sun is white when viewed from space. It is the earth’s atmosphere that makes it appear yellow.

The short wavelengths (blue) of light from the sun are scattered by the atmosphere (which is why the sky appears to be blue.), leaving behind the longer (yellow-red) wavelengths.. From a high-flying airplane, or from the moon, the sun appears to be white.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

8. Orange Fanta is the 3rd largest selling soft drink in the world.

Orange is considered a fun, light color with appetizing and delicious qualities. It also increases the oxygen supply to the brain and stimulates mental activity. It has a tantalising effect on the taste buds and so orange fanta is the 3rd largest selling soft drink in the world.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

9. Pink has the property to calm the nerves.

Pink is the palliative color, commonly used to splash the walls in prisons and mental health care facilities to assist in subduing those who are out-of-control. So pink definitely has a useful place and a purpose, other than decorating a prom dress or Barbie’s dream house.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

10. Red is the first color a baby sees.

Recent studies have shown that infants as young as 2 weeks of age can already distinguish the color red. Probably because red has the longest wavelength among colors making it the easiest color to process by the developing receptors and nerves in the baby’s eyes.

Abstract, facts, interesting facts, amazing facts, facts about colours, colours facts, red colour facts, yellow colour facts, blue colour facts, green colour facts, orange colour facts, white colour facts, black colour facts

Don’t be surprised. You must have seen these colour usages in everyday scenario but you must have not observed them well.

Now you know that the colours connect with emotions.