8 Relationship Goals That Singles Always Run Away From
Relationship is like a roller-coaster ride with sudden ups and downs, while single life is a straight smooth road with lush green trees on both sides. Life becomes so happening and calm when you are single.
Feeding Trends surveyed 50 singles and came up with the following results on the basis of a majority of the answers.
1. Answering questions where they can neither say the truth nor lie:
How am I looking is the most difficult question to answer? Another one is will you buy me a diamond ring? We, the singles feel lucky that we never have to answer this world’s most difficult questions. No examinations in personal life dude!

2. Flirting without a guilt of cheating:
Yes, we the single people, have this right to flirt with every person we like without having any guilt of cheating on our partners. We are the most talented Casanovas, we tend to avoid all problems in our flirting mission.

3. Hygiene issues while being with another person:
Best part of being a single is you need not to take a bath daily. No one is going to get that close to sniff around you so no hygiene issues. You can eat without washing your hands and while sitting on the couch. You can even sleep in the same sweated shirt that you wore the entire day!

4. Best friend of opposite gender is a criminal offence:
The biggest enemy of every person in a relationship is their partner’s best friend of opposite gender. But look at us! We the single people, can chill out with our best friends irrespective of their gender, without making it an issue. We can even discuss the worst nightmares with them!

5. Your salary is to be shared in unequal proportions by your partner:
Yes, being a single, all you earn is yours and you can pamper yourself with the stuffs you like. You don’t have to be concerned about your partner’s choice. You can shop for all useless stuffs and exceed your credit card limits, without being bothered. Freedom is all yours!

6. Happy weekends mean pleasing the other:
Happiness for singles comes in two categories, sleep and more sleep. Being a single you can spend your weekend sleeping and eating without being dragged to shopping malls just to carry the bags like every couple does. Kudos!

7. Playing FIFA with the fear of getting it snatched anytime soon:
All single boys will relate to this if they love football. Singles have this freedom of playing FIFA with their friends but poor guys in relationship have to sacrifice this because generally girls don’t love video games.

8. Being afraid of missed calls and unanswered texts:
Agreed by all, the most advantageous thing that being single gives is having numerous missed calls and unanswered texts. We (singles) are never bothered to check our phone again and again from time to time. We are not worried about our last seen being displayed to the contacts. We even don’t care if we don’t have balance in our cell phones.

These are 8 goals that singles don’t have to care for. In fact, these are the basis on which they can tease their committed friends.
Do feel free to write in the comment section and tell us more advantages of being single. Criticism is also welcomed!
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