10 Types Of Political Ideologies That People Live With - Who are you?
2 months ago
6 min read

10 Types Of Political Ideologies That People Live With - Who are you?

Ideology of a person generally reflects his way of thinking. In politics, there are many ideologies. Some say, we are leftist. Some say, I criticize Capitalism. Some argue that socialism is only a means to bring equality in society. Some uphold the humanist perspective.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

Sometimes, it becomes difficult to decide which Ideology to support and which to not?

To take a stand, what really matters is a grasp of social ideologies, which unfortunately, many of us don’t have. So here, Feeding Trends will elaborate various social ideologies.

1 - Marxism/Communism -

If you want everyone to be equal in society, you support the notion that an individual should not have any right to property. The state should own property, and the wealth in the society should be equally distributed amongst its residents.

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The founding father of this ideology is “KARL MARX”. The dream of Karl Marx was to create a classless society. Marxist believe that modern world alienates an individual because the capitalists make more profit while providing minimal wages to workers.

2 - Socialist –

An ideology which allows individuals to have some right to property is known as socialist ideology. Socialists believe that the government must be elected and decision should be taken by participation of all individuals.

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In simple words, according to the socialist ideology, most of the sectors must be owned by Government. They believe in strong control of the economy and non-violent revolutions. The State is to serve the society. It is a welfare state, not meant for for profit making.

3 - Maoist -

The founding father of Maoist ideology is Meow Tse Tung, who said, “Power flows through the barrel of gun”.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

This statement gives a glimpse of Maoism. The Maoists believe in overthrowing existing government by use of violence. They have no confidence in Parliamentary democracy.

They believe in revolution by protracted people war, in which the revolution involves support from Peasants.

4 - Naxalist -

Naxalists believe that their property must be distributed between them only and not any contractor for personal benefit. They are possessive and protective about everything they have.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

They are ready to murder people who oppose them. They too believe in principles of Marxism/Socialism, but they differ in aspect of killing opponents and support from peasant.

The Naxalism is an internal security issue in India. They have created a kind of terror and the most prominent area where you can see this terror is Chattisgarh.

5 - Capitalist -

Capitalist believe that the economic inequality in society is natural. According to the capitalists, a person must have the right to own property. Freedom must be provided to an individual for setting up an industry and making money out of it.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

Also, the capitalists are ready to work under some restriction from the state because they work for profit maximization. They are strong advocates of privatisation of resources.

6 - Crony Capitalism -

These are the ones who are capitalists and believe in making profit by going up to any extent i.e Cheating, Breaking Law, Cheating on Taxes etc. You can understand the difference by this example. Crony Capitalist is Nirav Modi whereas Capitalist is Ratan Tata of Tata Industries.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

7 - Terrorist -

Terrorists are more powerful than the Government and they want to take control of state by perpetuating terror on the citizens of country. ISIS, Taliban and Al-Qaeda are some of the most powerful terrorist groups of the world.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

If you closely analyse the terrorists, you will find them brutal, harsh and blood hunters. They have their own thoughts and believe in propagating the same. The want to assume the supreme power in the world and run it accordingly.

8 - Conservatives -

Conservatives are of regressive mentality and oppose every type of change in the existing system. They want things to go as per traditions, customs and procedures that have been existing since time immemorial.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

Without justifying how valid is tradition in the present system, they want all traditions to stay as they are. You may call yourself conservative if you think sati was alright!

9 - Centrism –

Centrism are people who talk about both sides and maintain a balance between them. They are focussed on the best of both worlds. They follow traditions and values as well as welcome any positive change.

people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

For example, a centrist will talk about atrocities of Military on muslims in Kashmir and the pain of Kashmiri Pandits simultaneously. The one who strongly opposes right wing for Gauri Lankesh murder and call the murderer of Shujaat Bukhari a terrorist are centrist.

Centrists are the ones who argue about minority rights, without allowing the minority to capture their space. They believe in providing shelter to Rohingyas and simultaneously expect them to follow India’s rules and regulation.

The one who is magnanimous but not at a cost of losing his dignity is a centrist.You can be called a perfect/Centrist Lover if you fulfill her wish but without being Obsequious.

political ideologies,people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

While these are the prominent political ideologies held by specific sections of the society within our own country. What’s your Ideology?

Don’t worry if your ideology doesn’t matches any of the 9 political ideologies mentioned above. I have one more ideology, in which I believe and even you must.

10 - Humanist -

Humanist is my ideology. Humanists are those who believe that any activity which violates the Human Rights of an individual or kills Humanity as a whole, must not take place. The father of humanism is Francesco Petrarca.

Human Rights,political ideologies,people, Political Ideologies, capitalist, Capitalism, crony capitalist, Crony Capitalism, terrorist, Terrorism, Marxism, Marxist, Socialism, Socialist, Naxalism, Naxalist, Naxalite, Which ideology better

They vehemently oppose distinction and treatment based on his Religion/Caste/Creed/Place of birth etc. This ideology came to life because all the 9 political ideologies mentioned above are flawed in one way or the other.

Each one of us have our own ideology. But change is no way far. You can become a humanist any time you want.

The choice of political ideology is all yours!