Moving Out Again? 9 Tips for Your Smoothest Move Yet
2 months ago
4 min read

Moving Out Again? 9 Tips for Your Smoothest Move Yet

Moving to a new place is a fresh start, a new beginning and a change to your same cycle. But, since we're creatures of habit and we secretly enjoy living the same Groundhog day every day, we find moving out stressful. At times it can be, there’s no arguing. However, it doesn't have to be if you know how to tackle it and make it fun and run smoothly.



Adopt the right mindset first

If you begin this process by repeating the thought that this will be the hardest thing, it will surely be. So, start by changing your mindset and your thoughts. “This move is a process but we’ll take one step at a time and make it hassle-free” is a better alternative. It will change your attitude and you’ll tackle it with a more positive attitude.


Plan, prep, execute!

Since moving out isn’t an elusive moment in time, it’s probably a fixed date, determined by you or your landlord, you’ll have enough time to prepare. Having said this, plan it in advance but leave room for things to not go to plan. Next, prepare everything you might need, from wrapping paper to boxes and anything else you might need to store your belongings safely.


The logistics

Are you doing this on your own, with the help of friends or by hiring professionals? This is an entirely personal decision, and all is fair. If you’re more of a DIY person, make sure to hire the right truck, and get the right tools and boxes and a pair of helping hands. On the other hand, if you want to hire a professional moving company, find the one with a [roven track record and good reviews. Do your research before you settle on the one that can do your move for you.


Don’t forget to plan the cleaning

Cleaning is another thing you have to plan in advance, especially if you want to get your deposit back. This is a big deal in Australia, and other parts of the world as well, so don’t lose out on your deposit just because you forgot about proper tenant etiquette. A respectful tenant will make sure the place is as clean as possible. So, to ensure the place is ready for inspection by the landlord, schedule end of lease cleaning in Sydney or anywhere near you. You won’t regret making this decision because professionals will make sure you’re happy with the results. Also, if you need anything extra, you can easily come to an agreement with them and definitely make moving out entirely hassle-free.


Once you start packing, you’ll know what is not moving with you

The main reason people dread moving out and moving into a new place is the number of things we own. We simply have too many things and we’re not used to throwing away things we no longer need. So, if you have a problem with this, moving out might be a unique opportunity to downsize your belongings.


Put a label on it!

Label every box, every bag, label everything! This will make moving in easier because you’ll know where everything is, so unpacking won’t turn into chaos. So, set up a system you’ll know how to decipher later. The easiest way is to group objects by their purpose and assign a logical label to them. Write a list of every item in the box under the label so you’ll know where the essentials are after you move. Make sure to have extra labels and some heavy-duty markers that won’t run out after the third box.


One room at a time for a more pleasant experience

If you want to have a more pleasant experience, pack one room at a time. If you pack your entire apartment or house at once, it will turn into a mess and it won’t be fun. Focus on one room at a time. Divide your belongings into three piles: keep, donate and throw away. Now’s your chance to downsize your belongings and declutter so don’t be emotional. Does it spark joy? Or, does it annoy? Adopt this principle and you’ll have fewer boxes to move than you expected.


Save yourself some time with pictures

You’ll inevitably have to dismantle your workstation or any other setup you’ll later have to assemble. But, we live in a time when we can easily remember something if we have a photo of it. So, take photos of everything you need to reassemble in your new home to make the entire process easier. This is also a good practice if you own valuable objects or fragile objects that can be easily damaged. Photographs will make an insurance claim easier to submit.


Don’t forget to take care of yourself before and during the move

You need to eat well because you’ll burn every calorie off just by thinking about everything, not to mention climbing up and down the stairs or filling in the boxes. Eat your favourite juicy burger and hydrate well, throw in some chocolate, blast a carefully curated moving-out-day playlist and you’ll have the smoothest move.

These nine tips will definitely work for your next move so make sure to use rhythm to reduce the stress and get the job done. Good luck!