Most Recommended Non-Fiction Books With Reviews
Book reading is a very personal experience for all of us. In this article, I'll be talking about a few non-fiction books and why they are a must-read. Having a passion for book reading, I personally feel that a book needs to be something that can broaden our views, enlarge our perspective of life and help us understand things better. Follow through to find out more about the beauty of the non-fiction world.
Reading fiction takes you to a completely different world, while in non-fiction we learn more about the world we breathe in. It's important to understand life better in order to lead a better life.
Here I have a few of my favorites that I would definitely recommend you to read, and I have also mentioned my biggest takeaways from each book.
1. Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment
This book written by Peter Buffet talks about life in general. It shows how we sometimes misjudge people around us by looking at their status. Just because someone has all the leisure does not necessarily mean that person has no worries in life. Everybody has something to be worried about. Everyone needs people to understand their situation and not judge them as we generally do. Reading this book will help you understand this from the author's perspective. The author has described it from his life.
2. Rich Dad Poor Dad
We all have had our education in some or the other field. But the question is do we have enough financial knowledge? In the current education system, we are taught about the skills that can make us earn money. But we still do not know much about money itself. We know how to earn money, but not how to manage it.
In this book by Robert T. Kiyosaki, he has described money in very simple terms. There is no terminology that you need to google while reading this book. It helps us understand how money actually works. I recommend this to each and every one because managing money is very crucial.
3. The Diary of a young girl by Anne Frank
All of us know about how Jews were treated by the German Dictators. But in this book, we understand that with a perspective of a thirteen-year-old girl who experiences all the difficulties and lives a life in hiding. A courageous girl who wrote her experience and thoughts in the diary gifted to her on her thirteenth birthday.
4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Sometimes you might wonder what life would have been if you were a millionaire. Well in this book you'll know more about how you can make it happen. This book describes with examples that if you are determined enough, anything is possible. If you are on a tough journey towards your goal, this book can help you motivate and make you focus more on your goals. This book might help you guide in the right direction and provide you with the necessary tips.
5. The 5 AM Club: Own your Morning. Elevate your life
This book is written by Robin Sharma. I surely don't find the need to introduce the author. This bestseller book describes the importance of waking up at 5 am. Yes, for many of us, it is a dreadful task, but if you want to change your schedule and start your day at 5 AM every day, there is no better book I could recommend. With this book, you will feel motivated, and get the exact information as to why this habit is admired and how it can help an Individual at a higher level.
With this, I come to the end of the topic. I have provided a brief concept for each of the books. Do let me know if you have a favorite in this list, or if you have any other suggestions, I would love to read it in the comments.