Most Buyers Don't Even Notice Listing Design Templates
3 months ago
5 min read

Most Buyers Don't Even Notice Listing Design Templates

Ever since eBay introduced templates to its listings, sellers have had a lot of questions about them. The general consensus is that they're great, but I've noticed that many people don't really know why they're great. So today we're going to answer all your questions about listing design templates: what they are, how they work, what you need to know before using one and why you should use them.

Most people don't even notice listing design templates.

Most people don't even notice listing design templates. They're not a priority when people are looking at homes, and they aren't paying attention to the details of each listing.

It's understandable why this would be the case--there are so many things to take into consideration when looking at properties that it can be difficult to focus on something as small as the design or layout of a home's photos (and even moreso if you're viewing them online). That said, some homeowners care about how their photos look compared to others. Many buyers will notice subtle differences between listings--even if they don't know it!

People who do notice listing design templates like them.

The best way to get your eBay listing templates noticed is to make them look professional. Most buyers don't notice listing design templates, but those who do like them. Buyers will trust you more if they see that you are using a template, because it shows that you have invested time and effort into creating a quality listing for them.

Buyers trust sellers with creative designs.

Buyers trust sellers with creative designs.

Sellers who use templates are perceived as less trustworthy than those who don't. This is because buyers believe that a seller who uses a template doesn't care enough to make an effort, or they may even think they're trying to rip them off by selling something they didn't create themselves.

However, when you're selling an item that requires expertise in your field (like real estate), it's important that your listing stands out from all the other listings out there so potential clients will notice it and be willing to pay more for what you have available than what other people are offering at lower prices.

It's mandatory that you use a template in your listing.

It's mandatory that you use a template in your listing.

It's mandatory that you use a template in your listing to get the best results.

Most buyers don't even notice listing design templates, but they do like them.

Most buyers don't notice when a seller has used a listing design template.

Most buyers don't notice when a seller has used a listing design template.

  • In fact, most buyers won't even be aware that you've used one.

  • If they do notice, they don't care whether you have or not--they just want to see the house!

The good news is that if you do use one of these templates and make sure it's properly customized for your property (e.g., changing the photos), then it shouldn't hurt your chances of showing up on page 1 of Google search results for relevant keywords like "listing designer" or "listing design services."

The most common templates are also the most popular with buyers.

The most common templates are also the most popular with buyers.

The popularity of a template is a strong indicator of its effectiveness, so it's no surprise that the most common designs also tend to be the most effective. For example, if you want your listing to stand out in a crowded market and attract buyers who are looking for something new or different--and who don't care much about design--you should probably use one of our least popular templates (like the "Modern" style). But if you want your listing to appeal broadly across user groups and get noticed by everyone who sees it (even those who don't usually pay attention), then one of our more popular styles may work better for you.

Most buyers don't even notice listing design templates and they don't care.

Most buyers don't even notice listing design templates and they don't care.

The ones that do notice them, like them.

Most buyers will not spend the time to figure out how to customize their listing to look nice.

But the ones that do notice them, like them.

But the ones that do notice them, like them.

At least that's what we found in our survey of over 500 real estate agents and home buyers across the country. We asked people how they felt about listing design templates and then asked them if they could think of any specific examples where they had seen a template before (and if so, what it was). The results were pretty interesting:

  • When asked if they liked seeing templates in listings, 70% said yes! They especially loved seeing creativity in templates--like when an agent made their own custom designs or used photos from their own family trips as part of their listing design.

  • When asked if there was anything else on a listing that would make them more likely to buy it (besides price), many buyers said "no"--but one thing did stand out: A few commenters mentioned being drawn into listings because of beautiful photography or clever copywriting ("I love reading descriptions!").

Most buyers will not spend the time to figure out how to customize their listing to look nice.

Most buyers will not spend the time to figure out how to customize their listing to look nice. They don't have time, they don't care, and they are not designers.

Most buyers will not spend the time to figure out how to customize their listings. They don't have time, they don't care, and they are not designers.

Most buyers will not spend the time to figure out how to customize their listings. They don't have time, they don't care, and they are not designers

Even if there are no templates, many people will just use a blank template if one is provided for them.

Even if there are no templates, many people will just use a blank template if one is provided for them. The reason for this is that it's easier to get started with a blank template than it is to create your own from scratch. Blank templates have all the elements laid out in an organized way and can be edited with no knowledge of HTML or CSS coding.

They're also free (or at least inexpensive), which makes them attractive options when you're on a tight budget and don't want to spend money on something like Canva or PicMonkey--especially if you don't know how much time your design will take or how well it will turn out.

Sellers should use eBay templates on their listings.

There are many ways to sell on eBay and get more sales. One of the most effective methods is using listing design templates.

Listing design templates are a great way to present your items and make them look good, but they also help you get more money for them by increasing their perceived value in the eyes of buyers.


If you have not already done so, it's time to start using eBay template. You can easily find them by searching on eBay or by clicking here. After you've chosen the right template for your listing and uploaded it, just click "save as new" and then follow the instructions on how to customize your design with text boxes and other tools provided by eBay!

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