Lunar Eclipse-Myths
Millions of people will be able to witness a lunar eclipse, also known as a "blood moon" in the media. During an eclipse, the full moon moves into the shadow cast by the sun on the Earth and becomes temporarily darkened. Some sunlight does reach the moon, but it is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere, illuminating it with an ashen to a dark red glow, depending on atmospheric conditions. Lunar eclipses have captivated cultures all over the world, inspiring numerous myths and legends, many of which depict the event as an omen.
1. One of the most popular myths or superstitions surrounding the lunar eclipse is that one should not eat or drink during the eclipse. Most people believe that food spoils during menstruation and causes indigestion.
2. In fact, many people use tulsi leaves to protect their food from spoiling.
3. Despite the fact that an eclipse is associated with bad omens, most people believe it is the best time to wash away your sins. It is believed that in order to achieve salvation, one must take a bath and wash away all negativity. Many people come to the Ganges to bathe and wash away their sins.
4. In many parts, pregnant women are usually advised to stay indoors during the eclipse as the eclipse can curse the unborn child. In fact, there is another myth that says that pregnant women should not hold knives and sharp objects as they might leave a birthmark on the child.
5. Many people believe that if you bleed during an eclipse, you will bleed for a longer period of time and the scars from the wound will last a lifetime.
6. It is a widely held superstition derived from the Bible that an eclipse heralds the end of the world.
7. The indigenous Kalina people of Suriname, South America, believed that the sun and moon were brothers. And an eclipse indicates that one of them knocked the other out.
8. It is widely assumed that viewing a lunar eclipse with the naked eye is dangerous to one's vision. Contrary to popular belief, lunar eclipses can be observed with the naked eye; however, special precautions must be taken when viewing solar eclipses.
9. During an eclipse, people in Tibet believe that both good and bad deeds are multiplied.
10. According to Norse mythology, eclipses foretell Ragnarok. When eclipses occur, they believe that the wolves Hati and Skoll have devoured their prey—the sun or moon—resulting in eternal darkness on Earth.