Laura Ingraham on Uvalde School Shooting: The Real Story
According to Ingraham, We don't need to do rid of guns that can shoot 400 rounds per minute, but we do need to go after cannabis.
School shootings have become a terrible reality in the United States in recent years - unleashing havoc on communities and igniting national discussions over gun control and mental health. One similar instance occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, which shocked the community and gained national attention. During the following days, conservative television commentator Laura Ingraham spoke out against the Uvalde school massacre - igniting a heated debate.
Background Story Behind the Uvalde School Shooting:
On 24th May 2022, a student named Salvador Ramos entered the Robb Elementary School located in Uvalde, Texas, United States, with a gun in his hands - started shooting in the school indiscriminately. According to eyewitnesses, he fired his weapon for approximately five minutes - causing shock and concern among the community, parents, teachers, and students. He killed 19 students, two teachers, and seventeen injured students. Before driving to the school, he also damaged her grandmother.
The police report showed that Ramos remained in the school for more than an hour – finally, the United States Patrol Tactical Unit, BARTOC, entered the school and killed Ramos. Police officers waited 1 hour and 14 minutes before penetrating the classrooms. A conflict arose between the parents, civilians and police - trying to enter the classes to rescue their children. According to a report by the Investigative Committee of the Texas House of Representatives, there were systematic failures and poor decisions made by authorities during that deadly shootout. Law enforcement received criticism for not making quick decisions - failing to prioritise the safety of innocent individuals over their own. This incident was the third deadliest shootout in US history - following the Virginia shooting in 2007 and the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in 2012.
Early morning of the 24th May 2022, an argument occurred between Salvador Ramos and 66 years old grandmother – over his failure to graduate from elementary school. He shot her grandmother's face in anger - she survived getting help from the neighbours and calling off the police. During the whole incident, Ramos was in touch with her 15 years old German girl - three messages were sent from him (The first was that he was going to shoot his grandmother, the second message was that he had shot her grandmother, and the third was that he is now going to attack the elementary school. For his messages, he got the reply "Cool" from the German girl).
Reports indicate that at 11:28 AM, Ramos used his grandmother's truck to rupture the barrier outside Rob Elementary School - gaining access to the grounds. According to the police, Ramos had a tactical vest - containing seven 30-round magazines and AR 15-style rifle. According to a witness, the shooter first fired at two people in a funeral home nearby, but they were not hurt. Law enforcement made an error by delaying their response to the shooter in the classrooms where students were present. The Texas Department of Public Safety admitted that the delay was caused by the School District Police Chief's assessment of the situation - as a "barricaded subject" instead of an "active shooter".
After the Uvalde school shooting, people started discussing the reasons behind such events and how to prevent them. These discussions included different viewpoints, such as gun control policies and support systems for mental health.
Remarks and Tweets of Laura Ingraham over the Uvalde School Shooting:

Laura Ingraham is a well-known television host and political commentator - who recently shared her thoughts on the tragic shooting at Uvalde School in Texas. Her tweets and comments conveyed heartfelt condolences to the victims and their families - recognising the tragic nature of the incident. She desired a complete inquiry into the incident - pledging to discover effective solutions.
Laura Ingraham theorised that tragic incident in the following statement;
Guns Don't Kill People; Potheads Kill People
She also reported on Tuesday evening, the same day of this incident, that "Guns don't kill people; a drug known for making people lethargic and hungry kills people".
Ingraham did not mention if any countries where mass shootings don't occur regularly have legalised weed - undermining her entire premise.
While pointing out the Politicians, she asked that Tragedy is not the time to shame our Nation, and she put on her narrative in the following way.
"And with these school shooters, the young men often show signs of severe distress long before they open fire. They often become annoyed and hopeless because of specific criticism. Practically every mass shooter reached an identifiable crisis point in the weeks or months - leading up to the shooting. We perhaps will never know the complete portrait - But when a high school kid cuts his face with a knife, as Ramos did — someone should have said something."
Ingraham's comments initially received attention because of sparking arguments over the issue of gun control. In her view, advocates should not steal the Uvalde incident as an opportunity to push for stricter gun regulations. Rather, she believes the focus should be addressing mental health concerns - identifying potential warning signs.
Ingraham's tweets garnered both praise and criticism from different groups. Those in favour applauded her - emphasising the significance of mental health and her role in preventing future school shootings. She also got an appreciation for her efforts in shifting the discussion away from gun control - unfairly releases out law-abiding citizens.
However, some individuals who opposed Ingraham's statements argued that she moderated the significance of firearms in school shootings. Such people also accused her of shifting focus away from stringent gun control laws - suggesting that mental health issues were the main cause of incidents like that. These people advocated for a comprehensive strategy - addressing both mental health issues and the accessibility of weapons.
A Critical Analysis of the Uvalde School Shooting:

Although Laura Ingraham's comments caused controversy, distinguishing her opinions from the events in Uvalde is important. The story behind the school shooting in Uvalde is complicated - involving various factors backing these devastating incidents.
To effectively prevent school shootings - a comprehensive approach is necessary. Addressing various aspects like access to firearms, mental health resources, and school safety measures- is essential. Considering these factors, policymakers, educators, and community members can collaborate to promote a safer learning environment for students.
The recent Uvalde School shooting serves as a painful reminder of the difficulties encountered by communities across the United States in the outcome of such tragic events. Laura Ingraham's comments about the incident - emphasising mental health concerns rather than gun control, sparked a heated discussion among Americans. To minimise the occurrence of such heart-breaking incidents and ensure a safer future for our children, we must engage in productive dialogues - considering diverse viewpoints and exploring holistic solutions.
Author Bio:
The article is written by Chris Greenwalty, a writer working with a top coursework help service, The Academic Papers UK. In his free time, he writes for tech and news blogs.
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