Last Night I Was Thinking About Einstein
4 days ago
1 min read


A site-specific performance "La Peste" directed by IC. Venice 2014. Photo by Tora Tkalec

Last night I was thinking about Einstein and his theory of relativity.

If he is right and the universe is moving and curving, then we might wake up one day and find another planet right before our eyes.

If there are parallel universes, as quantum theory suggests, then that also means that my life is an alternative for another me. But I can never figure out who is the first me and whose life is the original choice and whose is a parallel choice.

This also means that the people I meet could be from a parallel universe, and we could all be from different timelines and space zones, thinking we share the same dimension, when in fact we are just visitors and passengers in space, playing mysterious roles in each other’s lives that we do not know or understand most of the times.

On the other hand, and according to the same quantum theory, if everything that can be imagined exists, then at this moment a pink crocodile is laughing its head off while making coffee in an abstract post office flying over Russia.