I'm Going Through Changes!
I grew up in the age of the "adult animated cartoon." I literally witnessed the prime of shows like, "The Simpsons," "Family Guy," "American Dad," "The Cleveland Show," "South Park." The list can truly go on and on! But while those shows had their moments as I grew up, the shrewd slapstick comedy lost its appeal on me. No longer was I interested in seeing Peter Griffin drive his family up a wall, or seeing Cartman curse the bastards who killed Kenny. I thought my era of watching these adult animated shows were over. And then came a "Big Mouth."
The show is another added to the long-listed genre of "adult animation" and while I mostly got the feeling that it would just be another show that didn't quite make me laugh anymore, ultimately, I am still here 6 seasons later just as hooked as when I watched the pilot episode. The best part about that is, it's not even because of the jokes, it's because of the characters and the writers who seamlessly weave together stories that echo throughout any generation. So, sit back and relax while I give you all the wonders of this amazing show in something I like to call...
Going Through Changes:
It's no coincidence that they chose to begin the show with a song that captures the essence of life and its complexities. Because, you see, that's exactly what this show gives you, a complex (although sometimes shocking and gross) looks at growing up and dealing with the "monsters" that plague us as we come of age. This was the sixth season for our favorite group of prepubescent troublemakers and while it brought new challenges (namely dating someone asexual or having to figure out the lesson of a Freaky Friday body swap) what I found the most compelling was how no matter how much our protagonists learn, they still f*ck up!
Nick began the show as a boy whose insecurities about how he looks and is developing would find its way into his behavior, making him push those closest to him away. There was even a whole plotline where he sees his future of being a loner whose only companion is a sex robot. While Nick has learned so much since that first season, we still see him this season struggling with his identity, wanting to be more, so much so that he finds an ugly piece of his father's past just to feel like more of a man. Nick wasn't alone in this game of 2 steps forward 4 steps back though, we also see Jessi, Missy, Jay, and Andrew (well idk Andrew's just kind of perverted and he probably needs help lol) struggle with the same issues that plagued them season 1.
So, I know you're asking, Dylan, how can you LOVE a show where the protagonist never really evolve pass their problems?! And I'll give you the answer, I can love the show and the protagonists, because I AM them! (Not prepubescent, but you know). I watch them not be able to let go of insecurity, trust issues, fears of abandonment, fear of change, and all I see is me. You see "Big Mouth" is the PERFECT coming of age tale, because the characters never stop coming of age and THAT'S what I love about the show.
I can't tell you how many movies I've watched where the protagonist gets the big lesson and then we flash forward to a future them that has it "all figured out." What this show does is toss that bullsh*t aside to show the honest truth of life, YOU NEVER HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT! As someone who went to therapy and really tried to figure it out, the conclusion I came to is that it will never happen. I'll never really stop coming of age because there's always going to be something that I have to overcome and learn at any age. But the true beauty of the show is despite this fact, the characters still laugh, love, make amazing memories, and most importantly they bond over their shared journeys.
If you're looking for a show that will remind you just how much you have to give yourself grace, look no further. Big Mouth is currently streaming on Netflix for your enjoyment! If you want to know more about the show, stay tuned! I'll be giving my favorite moments from each season in my next post! Thank you for reading and I'll talk to you soon! Remember, never be too hard on yourself, you still have so far to go!