Hypospadias Surgery Cost in Pakistan
2 months ago
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Hypospadias Surgery Cost in Pakistan

Types of hypospadias

The types of hypospadias depend upon the location of the opening of the urethra (the tube that transfers urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body);


Subcoronal hypospadias; the opening is located somewhere near the head of the penis.

Midshaft; the opening is located along the shaft of the penis.

Penoscrotal; the opening is present where the penis & scrotum meet.

Perineal; opening is behind the scrotal sac.

Hypospadias can occur alone, or it can also occur with chordee and penile torsion. Boys with hypospadias face problems such as spraying of urine, or they might have to sit down to urinate. Hypospadias complications are associated with fertility problems later in life. Penile surgery in baby boys is performed to treat hypospadias by relocating the opening for urination.penile surgery in baby boys

Hypospadias Surgery Cost in Pakistan ALSA Pakistan is unrivalled when offering surgical treatment for hypospadias or abnormal urine opening in boys under one roof. We have cutting-edge equipment, developed infrastructure, and a team of skilled medical professionals consistently providing excellent patient results. Hypospadias Surgery cost in Pakistan ranges from 200k - 250k PKR, this includes focusing on a broad spectrum of medical specialities and using a hi-tech treatment approach. You may have mild to moderate child best hypospadias surgeon in pakistan repaired by an experienced pediatric surgeon Dr Mohsin using the latest medical technology. Moreover, world-class medical groups provide the best care across all medical subfields using pioneering technology and worldwide evidence-based standards. Our mission is to provide world-class healthcare that is accessible and affordable to everybody.


Penile torsion in newborns

It is a condition in which the penis of the baby appears to be rotated or twisted almost always towards the left (counterclockwise). Male infants with this defect are born with it, and it is fairly common. It can range from mild rotation to severe and occurs in about 1 in 80 newborn babies.


It occurs when the skin and tissues of the penis do not develop properly in the womb; however, the specific cause of penile torsion is not known. Usually, penile torsion does not cause other symptoms, especially when the rotation is less than 90 degrees.


Surgery for penile torsion

Surgery for penile torsion is needed when the rotation of the penis is more than 90 degrees. There are different techniques that are used to treat penile torsion. The most common technique is called degloving, in which we perform subsequent repositioning of penile skin to treat the rotation of the penis. Penile torsion surgery is ideally done at the age of 6-18 months.


Penile surgery in baby boys is generally very successful, especially when performed at the right time. If the surgery is delayed until adulthood, it is still effective, but multiple surgeries can be required. At ALSA Pakistan, our child surgeon Dr. Muhammad Mohsin is highly experienced in performing penile surgery in baby boys to treat different types of defects.