Humanity's Return to Innocence - Humanity
What Goes Around, Comes Around In The Best Possible Way.
One of the few advantages of my full-time job is meeting new people. Not everyone was kind in their attitude toward me, but there are a few trustworthy men in my clientele. That is why I started thinking about bringing humanity back through my example. That skill also needs practice.
My best friends are males. They’re people I can speak my heart to and will not judge. Of course, they are taken or keep the distance between us. Fear of not ruining a friendship between a man and a woman into something more is typical. I accept that without judgment, for better or worse. Some relationships may be should stay better platonic. I had forgotten that pattern for the last few years, but today I understand it better and prefer keeping it the way it is than losing a precious person to me because my romantic relationship longs. It is challenging, but I do it with discipline.
Memories are always my leading light when I lose myself in people’s mistrust, and it’s undeniable fact that true friends always build up those they care about. The same goes for my daydreaming about my best male friends. I never force someone to be with me.
Sometimes the friendship comes back to the giver from another perspective.
Last few months, a past client started to chat with me online. He is a good man, but we always spoke briefly at work. I never thought about communicating outside my office with the customers. It seemed unprofessional to me because my full-time job is a government administration.
Standard business persons start relationships with their customers, and then they become friends, in most cases, if they are good enough in their professional field.
However, I started to speak with my past client to find out he was at life’s crossroads and needed emotional support. With my empathy, I began talking to him back. A long time ago, I also was a private psychological consultant. That man was desperate to move on, and I played like a mentor to him, which was weird.
But counseling is different than kindness which brings back humanity’s innocence.
It’s not for the cost of the psychological session but more about the good karma that returns to the giver in the best possible way. Today human attitude is amiss, and someone should start the quest returning it. I may be playing a hero in that humanity’s search contest, but even so, I keep doing it because I believe in the good sides of everyone and that they deserve respect. If more people believe in kindness and human attitude, and practice them, the world will become a better place.
I used to work with a client for ten years and never expected him to remember me or speak again after we ended our professional relationship. Through our informal talk online, we understood that we have a lot of similar life experiences, and a connection is built. The most memorable thing he said to me was: “When I was drowning, only two people gave me a hand – you, and one more person. I remember that all of my life, doing the same for you,” and I even did not remember the situation clearly. Since then, we became best friends with no taboos. He helped me a lot and I am grateful.
I see that as a sign I am on the right track, using my attitude to receive and give good. Pride filled my lungs back when I heard his words because everyone needs to feel remembered and appreciated.
As with everything else, the human attitude also needs reasons and returning to innocence. Based on my observations, I state these motives for the lack of humanity: Growing up financially unstable, Insecurity about self-authenticity, and Everyone else doing it.
The Growing up financially unstable.
That is the most common reason for people to become envious and greedy. They do not want to live in poverty because of past family situations and become blinded by money, hiding the fear of failure.
Why failure?
Because people’s biggest fear is to live poorly, in materialistic terms, and they think financial stability will resolve everything. Wealth’s importance turns the world around, but the cost is merciless high, and everyone knows well what I mean. If people stay blinded to money-making, they may step over other humans, creating unhealthy karma for themselves.
Everyone knows Universe always pays back one way or another.
Recently, I had online psychological consultations with hardworking men and women. They have everything they want but feel lonely and unsure about their friendships or family members. Those successful characters look for various hobbies that do not fill the gap in their hearts, missing their social life. They forgot what was to live.
When it comes to love talk, these people stay quiet. I felt that was the hardest possible silence, which consists of many tears, soul pieces, and unfulfilled romances. That is the brand of wealthy, well-known, and successful personalities. If greed overwhelms celebrities, they become indifferent and see no point in humanity’s saving, although they have the resources for that.
Insecurity of Self-Authenticity.
Many people think they are the best in something, or that is what they want to believe. Overconfident characters usually lack Authenticity or are insecure in their skills, feelings, and goals. Playing perfect in front of others does not help. There is always someone more perfect, confident, or better in human psychology analysis. If the daily theatre live-action looks ideal, that is a hint something is not typical for those who want to see it.
Insecurity varies from low self-esteem to the lack of emotional expression in different situations. Everyone loves reading books, blog posts, or newspaper articles about many things, but when it comes to practicing them, uncertainty comes forth. That is why the best weapon against the lack of Self-Authenticity if fight the fear straight in the face with an experience that shows things are not so scary.
People learn daily. Why should they run away from new attempts?
Because the significant human fear is diving into unfamiliar places, situations, or persons. When that fright overcomes, life begins to show nothing is what it seems because every lesson is a treasure. Authenticity builds from going into new experiences. After them, the self-security levels rise. Last year I did things I never thought about doing and left my comfort zone many times, becoming unconventionally genuine but happy in my lifetime and skin. You can do it too if you decide.
Everyone else to doing it.
That is something I haven’t thought about seriously. One day, my colleague asked me a question, and I responded: “Everyone does it,” then we started a discussion about how wrong that is. I did not dig too much into the phrase, but recently various situations pointed my attention to it.
Society claims to put labels and have expectations. When it comes to everyone else doing it, people should consider if they want to be the same as others or to shine in the limelight. I will not lie to say being authentic brings a lot of challenges and outsider criticism.
People feel scared by unfamiliarity and outstanding types.
That is the authenticity’s price and brings Humanity closer to its innocence because once humanists do not care about society’s plea, they start acting with kindness toward other different personages.
Returning the human attitude costs as much as invested in the supporting hand to those who did wrong or live different lifestyles. In the long term, humanity’s return that left traces in many people’s hearts will be in remembrance forever.
Men and Women choose how they live: with the risk of doing something out of the box or being comfortable doing nothing because society’s cage covers in gold and imaginary stability.
The final solution to every reason for lacking humanity is giving another point of view on the known structures and deciding to change for a better life outside the individual. Many people need kindness and supporting hands outside.
I started to support more people in every way, and my karma cleaned up. I believe that even in the worst human ambitious heart lies good. The child’s birth happens for a higher purpose and usually brings more light souls in the darkest life’s hours.
One human can do as much. If more people practice kindness and give a supporting hand to their fellow man, the world will become a brighter place to be.