2 months ago
4 min read

How to Write a Convincing Argument in Your University Assignment

Academic writing is the form of writing that is used in educational institutes and scholarly publications. The style, tone, and format of academic writing are different from other forms of writing. Academic writing can be divided into four main categories; critical writing, descriptive writing, analytical writing, and persuasive writing. Each of these types has a specific purpose and feature that must be met. There are some such projects where all forms of academic writing are used within the same project like assignments as some sections require descriptive form of writing while others require a persuasive tone. You can get a university assignment service in order to get familiar with the correct usage of these forms of writing.

Overall; academic writing requires a clear structure and a writing style that flows in a logical manner starting from descriptive writing to critical to persuasive, and so on. When you get a UK assignment service, you can see a perfect usage of each form of writing in their respective sections. The following post is intended to inform students all about persuasive forms of academic writing.

Persuasive Writing:

Persuasive writing is the form of writing in which the writer has to provide logical arguments along with the use of emotional language in order to persuade the reader towards your point of view. This form of writing requires you to include information that supports your argument. Even if the opposing view is presented, it is presented in a way to discredit it. The purpose of persuasive writing is to influence and motivate readers towards your perspective. 

It has often been observed that students confuse persuasive writing and argumentative writing as they consider them as the same form of writing. However; despite a few similarities, there exist potential differences between the two. 

Comparison Between Persuasive Writing And Argumentative Writing:

The purpose of both forms of writing is to persuade the reader towards their perspective where the writer must take a solid stance on a certain point of view. You cannot be neutral in such forms of writing and have to use solid pieces of evidence in order to prove the argument. While adding the supporting facts, you also have to present the counterarguments in both forms of writing to provide a clearer picture. In addition to that; the structure used in argumentative writing as well as persuasive writing is also the same. 

However; when it comes to highlighting the differences between the two then they are as follows:

  • Tone- Persuasive Vs. Argumentative Writing:

In the persuasive form of writing more emotional and persuading tone is used while in argumentative writing more logical reasoning is used. 

  • Secondary Purpose- Persuasive Vs. Argumentative Writing:

Besides convincing readers towards your perspective, persuasive writing aims to motivate the readers to take action while in argumentative writing proving the validity of the argument is enough. 

  • Personal Perspective- Persuasive Vs. Argumentative Writing:

In persuasive writing, a personal experience is also welcomed while in argumentative writing, personal experience cannot be presented. 

Tips To Write A Convincing Argument With Persuasive Form Of Writing:

Now that students are aware of the potential differences between the two forms of writing, it is time to present the tips that will help the students in using persuasive writing in the content effectively. Some of the potential tips for this purpose include:

Select The Topic Of Interest:

When you select a topic that you are passionate about, your words and statements will automatically become more convincing. It is because when the mind and heart can relate then the outcome is extraordinary. You can only convince the next person if you are convinced in the first place. So; try to stay around the area of your interest while selecting a topic for your persuasive form of academic writing. 

Aim For Your Target Audience:

Keeping in mind the fact that who are you writing this particular piece for is important. It is because once you have the picture of your audience in mind, then you will structure your sentences in a way that can persuade them and hit them on their convincing points. 

Grab The Reader’s Attention:

The first rule of academic writing is to grab the attention of the reader with your introductory paragraph. Nowadays; there are so many options available that nobody will give more than a few seconds to your academic piece if they don’t find it interesting enough. This is why, always try to start with an interesting fact or a thought-provoking question. 

Look For Support Arguments Plus Counterarguments:

Obviously; you will be using the supportive pieces of evidence in order to support your main argument. However; you must do research for counterarguments as well and answer them from your perspective in order to discredit them. This will make your stance even stronger. 

Be Relatable:

Readers can relate to your content in a much better way when they can find it relatable. The perks of the persuasive form of writing are that you can use an empathetic tone and persuade the reader with an emotional tone. So; use such sentences that the reader finds empathetic and relatable. 

Ask Thought Provoking Questions:

Ask such thought-provoking and rhetorical questions that the reader will find himself questioning his thoughts. These questions will force the reader to find the answers. 

Be Emphasisve:

Use such strong statements in your academic piece of writing that emphasise your main argument again and again. These strong statements might be a little exagerative in nature but they can fit into the content and convince the reader towards your perspective quite conveniently. 

Use Strategic Repetion Technique:

Don’t use the same sentences again rather use the same opinion in such a way that reminds the reader of the main message that you are trying to convey for him to take action accordingly. 


Persuasive form of writing is an important type of academic writing in which the writer intends to persuade the readers towards your perspective. The writer is meant to use such solid pieces of argument that can convince the reader. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the students in crafting effective pieces of persuasive writing.