2 months ago
5 min read

How to ‘Vibe With Life’ Without Reaching for Your Smartphone

Aren’t you worried about your brain cells?

Of course not. It’s not like we’ve ever seen them with our eyes, right? Having the freedom to pop out our phones every 5 seconds or boredom is killing our brain cells. Yes, as in actual murder

Smart phones give us an instant kick of dopamine as opposed to actually reflecting on your action skills and accomplishments in life. The net result is that we are struggling to define ourselves. 

Our Paleolithic grandpa ancestors didn’t prepare us for this vigorous influx of information. The brain isn’t evolved to handle so much dopamine, it’s like drugging yourself on magic mushrooms except more lethal. 

To prove the point, tell me how much part of our lives are in our control?

(Because, even the freedom to click on a video is taken away by a self-scrolling magic trick.)

All the content we consume is creating an influx of increasingly unconscious, egocentric people (us!) and changing three generations of individuals that struggle more than their predecessors on the planet to stay focused. 

So what are we gonna do now?

Toss our expensive 70k phones into the sea? Wait no. That’s not happening. I have a simple strategy: vibing with life. 

How? By spending 60 minutes a day and taking your life back under your control. 

Tech-free walking (20 minutes)

Just you and your head on a date. 

Instead of drowning in the content of someone else’s creation, spend 20 minutes to vibe with your own thoughts. 

This might seem counter-productive and even a waste of time. You might be like, dumb girl doesn’t know doesn’t know how much good stuff is on internet that benefit as learning. 

But honey, if we were all in love with personal growth so much —we’d all be building businesses by now. Trust me, we’ve consumed enough content to live off on our own. Disconnect from your wired smartphone. 


To measure the quality of your life, simply do nothing, and see how it feels.”

Naval Ravikant 

A long stroll across your house has endless benefits 

  • it unlocks your creative boredom

  • Originates free thoughts 

  • Signals your brain to flex 

No music. No podcasts or news. Just vibing with yourself. Flex your brain for self originated thoughts and make connections. 

“Wi-Fi-free” reading (20 minutes)

Reading is life renting a smart person’s head. 

You can choose a book and vibe with the writer who is far more intelligent than the folks who dance on Shorts videos. Who cares about you being “an average of 5 people you spend time with”, when you can read a book a week and switch companions. 

We are all bad at figuring out stuff on our own. With people bragging about their accomplishments using hashtags like BusyBeingAwesome, it’s hard to appreciate yourself. 

And the truth is more like hashtag DyingForValidation anyway. So don’t misdirect your attention to fake kids when you have access to true pioneers of intelligence. These kinds of heroes are always found in pages and not in videos. 

By reading about 10 pages in 20 minutes, you are separating yourself from the crowd. That’s a bold move, right. 

Life makes more sense when you read. 

Meditative state of vibing (5 minutes)

I wish I were born as a leaf sometimes. Weird? I know. But ask me “why”?

Imagine being so light —- being able to giggle and dance with the motion of the wind. Whoosh left. Wooooosh to the right. Just the kind of vibe I want in life. 

Okay. Let's be serious. Meditating for even as little as a minute creates stillness without yourself. When you’re anxious and stressed, clear your headspace with quiet breathing. 

This authentic mindfulness practice allows you to slow down and connect to the Universe. When in a meditative state, you raise the magnetic power to attract higher frequencies. A power to raise the vibe you want in life by simply breathing deeply. Everyday. 

Do you realize that’s no less than a superpower, right? Research says, 20 minutes’ meditation is equivalent to 4-5 hours of deep sleep. Wow, that’s bonkers!

Ultimately, life is neither suffering nor bliss. It is what you make it.” 


I myself can’t see a single comparison between mediation and smartphone. Where the former leads to peace, the latter generates chaos! 

So 5 minutes, okay? 

Write/ journal a few words (5 minutes)

Writing brings balance in your head. 

You take in shit ton of info throughout the day —how to balance emptying your cute little head? By writing. 

Your head is full of jumbo-jumbo of random thoughts. By writing, you exercise your brain to rearrange and organize. How do you prefer your room —with haphazard tornado or clothes on the floor? Or a color-organized closet? 

Same goes with your head. You get to feel more energetic with a clear head. So write. 

Here are a few ideas

  • list of 3 things you are grateful for today

  • Things you can do to improve your day

  • Five people you’d love to meet in the future 

  • In one line, describe your day

And so on. Vibe more with yourself by giving priority to your thoughts. 

Closing Thoughts

Seneca once said, 

Death is not in the distant future. We are dying everyday.

But what Seneca didn’t say was, smartphones are bringing us closer to death even faster than before: by stomping on our productivity and lifestyle. 

The fact that we choose our smartphones over ourselves is ruining all of us. It’s messing with our life goals, self-identity, and even the neurochemical balance in our system. 

How much damage has already been caused? I don’t know. But here’s what I know —- you can still reverse the damage. By deciding to change, you are setting a new direction. A new path of future, where you are not a slave to algorithm on your smartphones, but a leader who steers their life to mindfulness. 

Your determination to vibe with your life without a smartphone in your hand for 60 minutes can be that change you need. 

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