How to Use Gradients to Create Appealing Packaging Designs
A gradient is created when you transition from one hue to another. It gives a designer the ability to practically invent a new hue. It makes the design stand out by adding a new depth and reality to the piece. Simply put, gradients add depth to an artwork.
A progressive transition from color to white or black (together with experimenting with opacity) might, on the other hand, simulate distance from or near a light source. Gradients are more connected to reality since we don't live in a world of flat hues.
Benefits of Gradients
In recent years, web design trends have shifted swiftly, with certain elements vanishing for a time before gradually reappearing. You will probably agree with us when we say gradients are one example of this.
Gradients are making a resurgence, and multi-tone effects are playing a pivotal role in the current design. This trend may be found on a variety of websites of big brands, including Spotify.
Benefit 1: Create visual movement and fluidity in your packaging
Bringing your package to life helps you promote your items to customers. Fortunately, this is easily achievable through a unique blend of materials and finishes. Furthermore, gradients are one of the most effective ways to accomplish this.
Gradients can give any container a modern and flowing vibe. These effects are ideal for making your luxury packaging stand out while also combining visual fluidity and inventive movement.
Benefit 2: They appeal to customers and influence their buying decisions
Earning a share in the market has never been an easy task. The packaging design of an item goes a long way in attracting the attention of customers as they walk down the aisle.
If you are new to the industry, playing with colors and using eco-friendly or high-quality materials are great marketing strategies. You can use gradients to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.
How to Use Gradients in Product Packaging
Gradients create additional color tones, thus increasing the number of colors available.
Gradients are distinctive because they are vivid and fun, and they create rich and dynamic imagery that we aren't used to seeing. For example, using gradients of red to yellow for custom hot sauce labels create a dynamic background that emulates heat, creating a marked look for increased interest. Using cool pastel gradients for custom soap labels, on the other hand, enhances the pampering vibe that can showcase the soap’s relaxing benefits.
Best Practices
Do not use conflicting colors. With Adobe Color CC, you can easily locate monochromatic, complementary, analogous, shade, and compound colors using a color wheel.
Use a radial gradient for round areas and a linear gradient for a polygonal or square area.
Adjust the opacity to allow the color to merge into fill regions.
Choose a light source first. This will help you to make informed decisions on which areas should be darker and which ones should be lighter.
Always keep the gradient and fill color in distinct shapes. This will enable you to put a gradient over another color and experiment with opacity to get different effects.
Please don't overdo it. An appealing gradient requires two colors- three at most.
Just as designs keep changing and evolving, so does the human sense and fancy for different colors. As we are now aware, color is a very powerful design tool. Therefore, it is critical to keep an eye on how design changes and trends shift. Better yet, you can consult professional print designers to ensure the perfect application of your chosen gradients.