How To Make Someone Uncomfortable
2 months ago
2 min read

How To Make Someone Uncomfortable

There are a lot of stories out there that try to help others find connections, friendships and sexual relationships…

But what about the people that would rather everyone else be repulsed by them, so they don’t have to deal with people? You know who you are!

Photo by Cindy Tang on Unsplash

I wanted to give a few ways you can make someone so uncomfortable that they will never want to speak with you again.

Bonus Points if they get a restraining order against you!

  1. Too close for comfort: Make sure that you are standing uncomfortably close to the individual each time you come into contact with them. To give extra craziness… rather than simply speaking to them… whisper everything into their ear. To the point where your misty breath can be felt.

  2. Explain to them their reproductive organs: No… not when the conversation arises. Just out of the blue. Start telling them about dangerous STD’s and how to avoid them. Explain to them that they are unable to control their urges and that you are trying to save them from a future of puss and hospital visits. Bet they run off without a word.

  3. Spit when you speak: This one is an oldie but goodie! I particularly enjoy using this technique with every word with a P in it. It makes it annoying, unsanitary, fun AND Uncomfortable for the other person, all in one!

  4. Uncomfortable questions: As about their sex life, their bathroom habits or their genital hygiene. Bonus for purchasing them hygienic products without their knowledge… and giving it to them in a crowded location.

  5. Uncomfortable information: Rather than saying “Fine” when they ask how you are… give them a descriptive explanation of your current hemorrhoid problem. Tell them all about your past relationships and odd sexual experiences. If you don’t feel like you have anything about yourself to reveal that is uncomfortable. Make something up! My go-to is letting them know I have been addicted to eating class since I was a child.

Bring Iso malt chips that look like pieces of glass and begin to eat them for dramatic effect!

Works every time!

Remember: This is strictly for comic relief. None of my tips are expected to be taken seriously. Stay Safe Everyone!

🧡Shine Bright, Kayla