How to Answer "How Much Are You Looking For?"
2 months ago
3 min read

How to Answer "How Much Are You Looking For?"

[, Music ]: here’s how to answer the question. So how much are you looking for? Well, let’s start off with the scenario. The scenario is you’re in your first interview, you’re talking to a screener understand: screeners only have the authority to say no, they don’t have the authority to actually hire you.

So let’s give an appropriate answer for them. You know i’ve only seen a job ad or a job description or what the recruiter told me i haven’t met. My future boss haven’t met with the team.

Don’T really have a sense of the expectations people are going to have for me in the role. Could we talk about that once i have a little bit more information now that’s a truthful answer, because you really don’t know. What’S going to be expected of you and they’re trying to lock you down on a number so follow me further and understand, they may come back to you and say, but i need a number and the correct answer to that should be.

I can give you a number, but i want you to understand, i’m not committed to that number until i know more. So let me first start by asking you: what’s the salary range for the position now they may come back with something that translates into well. I asked you first to which you can respond with yeah, and i asked you a second: what difference? Does that make so again being playful here with a smile on your face, as you answer helps to move the needle forward now they may not be completely honest with the salary range.

Let’S just be aware of that, and as such you have the ability to again say you know, i’m going to give you a number. I want to be clear: i’m not committed to that number until i know more and that once they tell you their number, you can say for now that no the high end of the range is what i was looking for and when i learned more about the Position i may come back and ask for more. I may come back and say i’d be willing to do this for a little less, but that’s within the ballpark of what i’m looking for.

Let’S talk after i actually have interviews with people. Now i’ve got another interview about salary negotiation and i call this process defer and deflect. You know after defer and deflect i’ll, have a link to it in the show notes.

This is how to answer the question once they come back to you. Looking for the number. After the interview hope you found this helpful, i’m jeff altman visit my website thebiggamehunter.

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You can also find out about my courses, my books, my guides, there’s just a lot. There that’ll help you and the blog has thousands of posts completely searchable. That will help you with your search.

Lastly, connect with me on linkedin at forward slash, i n forward slash the big game hunter have a terrific day and be great [, Music ], you