How Is Pulmonary Embolism Treated? - Scientific Way to Know
Before we know how to treat a particular disease, it is crucial that we have an idea of its origin. Understanding the origin helps treat the disease, faster and easier. In this case, it is a pulmonary embolism.
What is pulmonary embolism, and where does it come from?
Pulmonary embolism is a disease that usually originates in the legs. It so happens that individuals with a condition known as ‘deep vein thrombosis’, tend to form blood clots. It is these blood clots that travel from the legs to the lungs & other parts of the body, causing individuals to suffer from an untimely death.
However, in the following article, I am going to discuss the treatment procedures related to the pulmonary embolism. Scrolling through this article will give you a comprehensive outlook and help you understand the signs of pulmonary embolism- better.
Treating Pulmonary Embolism
Although, these naturally occurring blood clots can actually be helpful at times, because they tend to cease the bleeding when one is cut or injured. But sometimes, these clots travel to the parts of the body where they are not supposed to.
For instance, to areas where there is no cut or wound that needs to be restricted. This means that a clot is formed where it is not supposed to. Remember, everything inside our body has a particular way of functioning. Any organ changing its course or way of functioning affects the entire body.
It is because of this reason that elderly people are made to wear ‘compression sleeves’ or ‘pressure socks’ on their legs, to avoid unnecessary clot formation- in veins & smaller blood vessels. It also helps keep blood flowing inside the body.
The Symptoms Of Pulmonary Embolism Disease
The following are the symptoms to identify, whether an individual is suffering from pulmonary embolism or not:
*Sudden coughing up of blood.
* Feeling dizzy.
*Sudden fainting.
*Difficulty in breathing- which is somewhat similar to methotrexate side effects. Do not get confused.
* Loss of consciousness, temporarily.
*A chronic shortness of breath, that can appear overnight.
*A feeling of pressure or pain in the chest.
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What Are The Causes of Pulmonary Embolism Disease?
Pulmonary embolism disease can occur due to several reasons, such as:
*Travelling in long and sustained flights.
*Any sort of injury.
*If you have undergone surgery.
*Cancer & diabetes patients are prone to this disease.
*Age serves as a common cause of this disease. As the saying goes, ‘with age comes suffering’.
*Smoking can also lead to pulmonary embolism.
*Another notable cause of pulmonary embolism would be excessive consumption of testosterone supplements (in men).
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Why Are Pulmonary Embolisms Fatal?
Although, it might appear to be quite an exaggeration to term a simple blood clot- fatal. Or simply asking your doctor the question, ‘how long before a pulmonary embolism kills you?’
You might argue that there are many such individuals who have survived a heart attack and a stroke which, by the way, are blood clots. Some might argue further, taking the example of people surviving with a single lung.
While you cannot deny the above assertions, it is true that luck will not be in your favor- all the time. Some heart attacks and strokes can be fatal. Similarly, some pulmonary embolisms can be extremely fatal and can even cause the person to die, instantly.
It is because blood clots tend to cease the blood flow, immediately. Not only does it restrict oxygen to the area, but it also creates an abnormal pressure back to the heart. The immense amount of pressure results in sudden seizures and failure of the heart, when it can no longer fight blood clots.
Think of your heart as a hydraulic press. A similar thing happens to your heart, when it succumbs to the blood clots. Therefore, leading to fatality. Now, some of you might have questions regarding which part of the heart does this clotting of blood affect the most?
It usually affects the right ventricle of the heart, and seizes it. It happens because of the right ventricle's inability to sustain pressure. Hence, the slightest pressure from the blood clots will lead to an instant failure of the right ventricle.
How Can Pulmonary Embolism Be Diagnosed & Treated?
Pulmonary embolism can be diagnosed using the following medical steps:
*Through blood tests.
*You can get an ultrasound done.
*A meticulous chest X-ray.
*A pulmonary angiogram.
*A CT pulmonary angiogram.
*You can perform an MRI scan, as well.
*If nothing else works, get a ventilation-perfusion scan.
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Now, coming to the treatment procedures:
*The first resort is always medication- oral medication. However, the category of oral medication is divided into two sub-categories, namely:
1. Blood thinners or anticoagulants. Drugs that prevent the existing clots from further enlarging, while restricting the formation of new clots. Heparin, a commonly used anticoagulant, can either be injected directly into the veins or under the skin.
2. Clot dissolvers or thrombolytics.
*If conditions are serious, resorting to surgery would be a better decision. There are two types of surgical procedures that you can opt for:
1. A vein filter, or
2. A clot removal surgery.
With that being said, I would like to wrap up my discussion. Although, I really hope that the above suggestions were somewhat helpful to you. Remember, to take steady and quick action, when you get diagnosed with such a serious disease.
Unnecessary delay can lead to fatality. However, in case you have got some extra tips to share with our fellow readers, feel free to make your additions in the comments section below. Sharing is caring!
We’d love to hear back from you.
Author Bio:
Miranda Shaffer is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Miranda Shaffer is associated with Simply Law Zone, Istana Green World, lower My Legal fees, World News Inn, World Tech 24, News Stoner, News Profy, Tech Mag News, Proudly Updates & Tech Rab.

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