4 months ago
4 min read

How Does a Pod Vape Work: What Is the Mechanism Based On?

You want to buy a cartridge electronic cigarette, but you don't know exactly how it works? This is what we will try to explain to you through this article. Good discovery!

Vape pod

The essential parts of a Pod vape:

Let's start with the basics, the operation, and the components of a Vape. Its anatomy includes the following elements:

•             Battery.

•             The switch.

•             Resistance.

•             The cartridge.

•             The Drip Tip.

•             And finally the indicator light.

The battery delivers the energy needed to operate the device. The switch allows you to activate the battery or even turn it off, while the resistance (atomizer) will transform the liquid into vapor. The cartridge (or the clearomizer) contains the liquid and the Drip Tip serves as a mouthpiece. Finally, the indicator light will inform you of the charging status.

Of course, the cartridge includes the resistance and the Drip Tip, and must be screwed onto the battery. If your cigarette is not mounted when purchased, it would be better to follow an instruction manual so as not to make mistakes. In any case, it is an ingenious method to overcome the addiction to smoking, especially since the electronic cigarette is much less dangerous since it does not contain the carcinogenic elements contained in the classic cigarette (in particular tar).

Former smokers can also use it to gradually limit their addiction to nicotine, since it is possible to inject the desired dose and gradually reduce it.

How the Pod Vape works

Now we move on to the working process of the Pod vape. First of all, it is the energy stored at the level of the battery which will make it possible to heat the resistance. As soon as you press the "switch" button, the battery will be activated and it is only once the 60°C has been reached that the e-liquid will be transformed into vapor, therefore no combustion unlike the classic cigarette.

For additional information about the process, know that the e-liquid can include several flavors to inhale, and is generally sold in small bottles of 10 ml (five packs of tobacco). The battery, meanwhile, must be recharged using a device that will be sent to you when you purchase your vape. We will also add the cartridge which contains the resistance and which must be screwed onto the battery (the cartridge is also referred to as the clearomizer).

Then comes the resistance which determines the rendering of the electronic cigarette since many vapers contain many resistances, especially if the consumer is fond of liquid and tends to use his device frequently. He must in any case regularly check the indicator light to know whether or not he should recharge his battery and avoid wearing it out too much.


Where to buy e-liquid from the Vapemall?

If you have just quit smoking and want to buy quality e-liquid for your electronic cigarette, you can visit our partner's website. You will also learn how to add e-liquid to your e-cigarette. This brand of e-liquids have established itself everywhere with these different flavors

You will find all types of e-liquid flavors from our partner, who offers gourmet or fruity flavors. If you like fruity flavors, let yourself be tempted by We Are Vape by 814, composed of tropical fruits and orchard fruits mixed to perfection. You will find flavors of banana, strawberry, kiwi pulp and velvety peach flesh. You have the possibility of acquiring an electronic cigarette on the site. By choosing the format, the color and the battery life that will suit you best. You should know that many smokers have successfully quit smoking through the use of an electronic cigarette. If you have just quit smoking, it is advisable to start vaping by buying e-liquid with a high rate of nicotine.

There are complete kits for beginners that allow you to start vaping in peace with easy-to-use equipment. By regularly cleaning your electronic cigarette, you will be sure that it remains in good working order. If you don't want to get tired of vaping, don't hesitate to vary the flavors of your e-liquids. If you want to feel a slight tingle in the throat, you can choose an e-liquid with a high propylene glycol content. For lovers of large clouds of vapor, opt for an e-liquid containing a high level of vegetable glycerin. By visiting our partner's site, you can buy the latest mods, boxes, tank atomizers, drippers at an attractive vape price in Pakistan thanks to the good deals it offers all year round.


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