How Do You Unfreeze Pipes Quickly?
2 months ago
2 min read

How Do You Unfreeze Pipes Quickly?

Unrelenting winter weather changes cause subzero temperatures leading to frozen pipes. Water expands as it freezes, putting pressure on metal or plastic pipes. If you don’t unfreeze the pipe, constant pressure can cause a pipe to burst. Your home may have weak spots that are prone to pipe freezing. Pipes in kitchens, basements, garages, and crawlspaces are susceptible to freezing. Turn the faucet on to check the water flow. If only a few drops come out, the pipe is frozen. Consulting with expert plumbers in Oakland is necessary to thaw pipes and avoid bursting. Using preventative steps, you can prevent a pipe burst repair.

Here are the tips for unfreezing pipes. 

  1. Turn the faucet on and leave it open. Let the water flow through the pipe as you treat it because it will help melt the ice faster. 

  2. Using a hairdryer can help thaw frozen pipes. Hairdryer is safe and easy to use and warms pipes gradually. However, this method works best for metal pipes. Using a hairdryer on plastic pipes can melt them. So, check the heat rating of a plastic pipe first. 

  3. A thawing machine is an effective tool for unfreezing metal pipes. It’s a beneficial addition to your plumbing kit if you live in freezing temperatures. However, it can be expensive to buy. Consulting an expert plumber to thaw frozen pipes can be cost-effective. 

  4. Heat tape is another solution to thaw frozen pipes. These tapes are electrically powered and wrapped around the frozen pipes. It gives a continuous low heat and can be highly effective in thawing frozen pipes. You can use them as a preventative measure in colder regions to prevent pipes from freezing. 

  5. If pipes are installed in a small, closed space, using a space heater can help. Apply the heat gradually for the best results. It is mandatory to read the safety instructions of a space heater before applying it to the pipe. 

How to prevent pipes from freezing?

  • Adding insulation to the pipes can go a long way in preventing them from freezing. 

  • Warm your home appropriately according to the weather.

  • Keep inspecting your plumbing system.

  • Add insulation to walls and ceiling for additional protection.

  • Keep your home at high temperatures when you are away on holiday.


Although these tips can help you thaw frozen pipes, preventative measures are necessary to avoid damage, repair, and inconvenience. If these tips don’t work, consulting an expert plumber can help. Thawing frozen pipes may seem a minor problem that homeowners tend to delay the fix. Also, it may be tempting to heat them quickly. However, this can make it worse, causing expensive repairs. Contact the professionals to inspect the affected pipes and implement relevant solutions.