How Can You Keep Your Brain Sharp With Aging? - Prabhy Sodhi
With aging, the brain of a person can undergo changes. They can make it less sharp and, thus, affect cognition. Former Director, Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi Abbey Healthcare, adds that such changes can increase the possibility of brain diseases like dementia. Given that an individual focuses on keeping the brain sharp, this disease can be prevented or managed to the possible extent. In order to do so, various activities are available, shares Mr. Sodhi. Before practicing or learning about them, it will be helpful to learn the changes that can occur in the brain with aging.
Why Should You Boost Your Brain’s Health?
Due to factors such as aging, individuals can notice changes in their brain’s health. They can begin to forget information, the placement of objects, the right words for certain things, etc.
At a later stage in life, they can also suspect the possibility of dementia. To some extent, their concerns can convert into real health challenges that affect the brain.
In this regard, Mr. Sodhi further shares the following:
● Changes can occur in the brain when an individual’s age increases.
● This organ’s size changes.
● Its structure can also become slightly different.
● The functions of the brain can receive unwanted effects.
● Consequently, cognition can decline and memory can become poor.
How to Keep the Brain Sharp When Age Increases?
One of the ways to keep the brain sharp is by playing memory games. It is to be kept in mind that these games cannot reverse the process of aging. But they can help maintain the level of cognition, opines Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi, Abbey Healthcare’s Former Director.
In addition, these ways can help improve the processes of this organ.
1. Through Physical Activities
When an individual is physically active, her/his blood flow is maintained. Especially for the brain, maintaining this flow is crucial. In turn, this can ensure healthy blood pressure levels. To some extent, this can prevent the development of dementia.
2. Eating the Right Foods
The health of your brain, processes like cognition, and eating habits are connected with one another. When the brain has to be kept sharp, foods such as the following should be consumed:
● Items rich in vitamin E
● Vitamin B foods
● Food items having omega-3
3. Increase Mental Stimulation
Mental stimulation is important for boosting the health of your brain. To increase the same, a person’s mind should be engaged in learning skills. Also, as per Mr. Sodhi, when new skills are learned, particularly in old age, survival can be easier for an individual.
Which Activities Can Affect Cognition?
While there are some activities that can improve cognition and keep the brain healthy, others can reverse their positive effects. Hence, they should be avoided or controlled. One such activity is the excessive consumption of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Other activities include the following:
1. Controlling Cholesterol
When your cholesterol is high, your blood pressure will also increase. This can affect the condition of your heart. Poor heart health can then increase the risk of dementia, especially when age is more. Therefore, Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi, Abbey Healthcare, Former Director advises that it is only vital to limit cholesterol levels.
2. Reducing Sleep
Depriving yourself of sleep can gradually affect your brain. It can lower cognition along with the other abilities of this organ. The dementia specialist, Mr. Sodhi, puts forth that for maintaining the health of the brain and keeping its cells alive, a proper sleep schedule should be followed.
3. A Lack of Socialization
It is importantly emphasized by medical professionals that socialization is crucial. A lack of the same can fill the brain with negative feelings. They can push one closer to episodes of depression, stress, etc. To some extent, these episodes can contribute to dementia when aging.
To keep the brain sharp, there are 2 kinds of activities. The first kind can improve or maintain its condition. On the other hand, the second type of activity can affect this organ’s processes. Former Director, Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi, Abbey Healthcare suggests that being aware of both is important. By following the right activities and limiting the negative ones, the brain can be kept sharp.