Front-End Developer Roadmap
a month ago
1 min read

Front-End Developer Roadmap


Front-End Developer Roadmap

Front-End Developer Roadmap

Starting with web development can be overwhelming. This front-end developer roadmap will guide you to start with it properly. We will cover the most important building blocks of the web. This guide will help you to become a modern front-end developer.

Learn the Basics — HTML


⭐ Basics

⭐ Emmet

⭐ Forms

⭐ Semantic HTML

⭐ SEO Basics

Learn the Basics — CSS





⭐Box Model





⭐Media Queries

⭐Pseudo Elements

⭐Pseudo Classes


Learn the Basics — JS


⭐Basic Syntax

⭐DOM Manipulation

⭐Fetch API / Ajax

⭐Async Await

⭐Event Listeners

⭐ES6+ JavaScript



⭐Array Methods




Learn any CSS Framework

💫These are the most popular ones




You don’t need to learn all the things mention in this roadmap to become a front-end developer or get a job as a front-end developer. There is no end to learning in web development there’s always something to learn.

So never stop learning!

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