2 months ago
2 min read


Starting up a family as man takes a lot of maturity, resources and material to get a good standard qualities in the family. Man is always tasked as the head putting much pressure on him in terms of regular and continual production of resources to keep up the family.

Family reduction is a hidden factor that is hardly recognized or paid attention to all because we put our heads in the search of money neglecting the union which keeps us as a family. Many people will say money is essential with money you get everything including love but guess what? Money can never give you the uniqueness of what Love is all about. Let me give you an insight of what “Family reduction” is all about and the consequences of it.

LACK OF COMMUNICATION: Communication can be define as the sharing of ideas and information, this is also a vital key that keeps the family on, take for example: the father is off to work same goes for the mother while the children are off to school, the children gets back home probably around 4pm in the day while the parent are not around they have to fend for themselves and do other menial works or chores at home plus their homework.

Now they are bored they decide to read their books based on, it a natural laid down rules by the parent but still they are bored now what comes into their mind is to go outside to find some friends to play with, they played for a while now they are tired and hopefully wait for the parent to come back. This is where the problem comes in, at this moment the children are worn out due to the stress all day, now they just want to put some food in their belly and get to sleep to prepare for the next day not giving the parent any chance to chat with them. if this goes on for a period of time, there is a distinctive qualities of human which is always dominative sometimes, we call it “ADAPTATION”, listen once your children adapt to the fact you are always busy and they get the strong sense of independent , they will treat you like a stranger and eventually rebel against you.

COUPLE ISSUES: Parent are seen as gods by their children meaning they believe in them also seeing them as the perfect being on earth. Maturity and respect are dominant factors that must be considered in relationships, as a couple you are meant to have issues to deal with but you must always be conscious never to create a scene in front of your children or painting each other red in front of them. If you try to be a saint by painting your husband or wife red in front of your children you will create enmity in terms of the children starts seeing you as an angel while they see the other person as the devil. Remember you never want the kind of scene where your children starts picking sides with hatred on their minds.

I hope these 2 keys are passing a clear message to you.

Remember you have the will to change whatever you want.