This National Doctors Day, Thank Your Doctor For Everything They Did To Make It Less Painful
4 months ago
4 min read

This National Doctors Day, Thank Your Doctor For Everything They Did To Make It Less Painful

‘Body and soul cannot be separated for purposes of treatment, for they are one and invisible. Sick mind must be healed as well as sick bodies.’ some great person has said. And our doctors know it quite well.

They are masters of the art of healing. They make a person feel absolutely perfect just by their conversation while writing the prescription. That’s what a doctor’s profession is all about.

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Actually, it is God, who is the one who heals every pain and suffering. A doctor is the one, whom God has assigned to make it less painful. Doctors are angels in disguise.

The post of doctor is highly praised and respected in India.

For the very genuine reason that they save lives of millions of people. They even bring back some of their patients from the clinch of death. They are source of hope to people.

In the memory of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, India celebrates National Doctor’s Day on his birth and death anniversary, which is coincidentally, July 1st.

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He was a renowned doctor, educationist and also a freedom fighter. Later, he joined Indian National Congress and then became the Chief Minister of West Bengal.

This National Doctor’s Day let us take a sneak peek in to a doctor’s life.

Let us try to understand why they do, what they do. Why they keep talking to their patients? Why these laugh before giving an injection? Why don’t they disclose the complexities at once?

Here are 5 reasons why you need to thank your doctor on National Doctors Day for everything they do, besides curing your disease or ailment.

1. Your doctor has treated you as his or her family member.

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A good doctor establishes a good relation with his patients. Your doctor carefully listens to you and learns deeply about your illness. They are concerned about your welfare, just like your parents.

2. Your doctor has motivated you to eat bitter medicines, follow diet chart and take injections.

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It happens many times that the patient is afraid of the treatment that would follow. At that time, your doctor motivates you to take those long prescriptions regularly, get up early and exercise, practice regulated food consumption, etc.

3. Your doctor has warned you of the dos and don'ts for your speedy recovery.

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The doctors are a great advising faculty. They can easily list out what you must do and what you must not, for the fastest recovery from the pain you are dealing with. And in case, you miss out on this, you know for how long you have to suffer.

4. Your doctor has never missed a call even at midnight or a national emergency.

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The doctors have their Hippocratic oath taken up quite seriously. They never say a no to their patients, even if it is midnight or there is an emergency declared in the country.They will serve their patient and provide appropriate care in the timely manner as required.

5. Your doctor has always taken the right decision for you.

lifestyle, health care, healthy living, national doctors day, doctors day 2018, best wishes for doctors, doctors helping people, medical science doctors, profession of a doctor, reasons to thank your doctor

William Osler said, “Medical is the science of uncertainty and an art of probability.” And it sums up the life of doctor. There is no fixed remedy for any ailment. This is what makes the profession of a doctor the toughest of all professions. Your doctor has instantly taken decisions for your better health.

These reasons are big enough in this world of capitalism to thank you doctor. Don’t miss on this opportunity on National Doctors Day, show your gratitude for the dedication they put in.

Happy Doctors Day!

Happy healing.

Appreciate the creator