Evils of Eve Teasing

As we know all of us today’s world has full of many evils and bad happens has take place very fast in our country or our society .Just like Discrimination murdering, Crime and One of bad Eve teasing here i will mention Evils Of Eve Teasing
What is Eve Teasing :-
Eve Teasing is that type of bad evil or action that is doing by a mens to a womens in a public places. It is that way where mens insulting women’s dignity, respect, preference by giving bad comments on their dressing and looks. It’s that happen where womens become victim of mens who target their dignity. This is way where mens olways try to dishonouring women’s in public places.
Reasons Of Eve Teasing :-
There are many reason of Eve Teasing. One reason is the severe appeal to the opposite sex(means a women in relation with men and vice versa) and women’s consider as goods and things of consumption. Another is the dissipation of social values lack of proper family and moral education and mind set up. Another one is lots of chances of Eve teasing to the opposite sex has based. Having relation of women in men there is more chances of this happen.
Who is Responsible For Eve Teasing ?
According to me, the boys are much more responsible for Eve Teasing as compete to girls. Many times we heard and hear that a girl has become victim of boys because of Eve teasing. But we never heard that a boys had become victims of it. Most of Eve Teasing cases found at almost everywhere and all places. For example, shopping malls,Market places,Educational institutions, work places,cinema halls and the entertainment places. Market places and shopping malls are consider as those places in which or where most Eve Teasing cases are found. Because of huge traffic of peoples in these places, the Eve teasers can easily take advantage of people traffic where they get successful. So That’s why these two places is on top of Eve teasing cases.
What We Should While Travelling :-
we should be alert while traveling in market places or while going to shopping malls.Olways take another person with yourself while whenever you want to go outside as remind of Eve teasers.
Intentions Behind Eve Teasing :-
Actually the intentions of boys behind Eve teasing is like they want to do it for fun. They also want to take it easily by giving harsh comment to a girls on public places. In some cases they want to show their acting,smartness in front of girls or they also want to show their impressing attitude towards girls. Some cases they want to do it by taking revenge regarding their personel issues. But mostly they do it for dishonouring a girl in a public places.
👍 Message To Peoples Regarding Eve Teasing :-
Hence, i would like to convey my message to all peoples about Eve teasing. I would also like to say that the activity of Eve teasing should be remove from our society as soon as possible.Otherwise our society will scatter into many ways. Increasing of Eve teasing cases are simply indication for us that our society will go towards wrecking ways their is impossible for us to overcome on it.we should be together responsible for womens and we have also ensure them that their dignity should be respected. We also be responsible for their security, their esteem, their independence. We also should ensure them and let them free from Eve teasing also free them from Eve teasers. We be join together for this concern and make one voice aginst it.
So we should understand that our dignity or respect is everything for us. We must know it. We also should be together against Evils of Eve teasing,We should be strengthen yourself and never support eve teasing nor Eve teasers and take deep voice against it.
Last words I would like to convey to my people’s⬇️
‘‘ Be repectful Towards womens let them free from Eve Teasing.’’
‘‘ Save Respect Of Others And Your respect Will be Saved.’’
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