Clinical Research Courses Inform About Mid-Study Updates
13 days ago
1 min read

Clinical Research Courses Inform About Mid-Study Updates

One would discover that there are two different updates with respect to mid study updates. They are planned and unplanned mid-study updates.  Clinical research courses tell one about the various updates and studies that take place during the conduct of clinical trials. With respect to these planned and unplanned mid-study updates, these were discovered in a new study by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD).  Therefore, industry experts felt it necessary to include case studies, updates and information regarding the research studies in clinical research courses.

Discovering the number of Mid-study updates that occur during clinical trials

 When an analysis was conducted by 194 drug developers across the globe, they had the following results. These developers discovered that each clinical trial has four planned and four unplanned mid-study updates. This would be regardless of the company size i.e whether a company is either big or small in size.  One would receive such developments regarding the functioning and working of different trials during their clinical research courses

What are the study results according to March/April Tufts CSDD Impact Report?

One could find the following results in March/April Tufts CSDD Impact Report. One can also learn about similar reports from clinical research courses. Yet, let us give you an outline of the results:

1.     Each planned and unplanned mid-study update normally takes around 30 days to complete before the resumption of the study

2.     Planned mid-study updates usually take 1.5 days less time to resume again, when compared to unplanned mid-study updates.

3.     Data management cycle times for start-up and close-out activity have not  been altered since the last four years i.e. 2017

4.     Respondents who were happy with their electronic data capture system’s ability to control mid-study updates conveyed a five-day cycle time advantage to resume again.


The best source to get information on such reports is from clinical research courses.