Canary Yellow Diamonds Can Be the Perfect Engagement Ring
4 months ago
3 min read

Canary Yellow Diamonds Can Be the Perfect Engagement Ring


It can be tempting to go with the traditional white diamond when you're looking to buy an engagement ring. But if you're shopping for your fiancée, maybe it's time to consider a different color! Canary yellow diamonds have been popping up on the market recently, and they're starting to become more popular among consumers. Unlike many other fancy-colored diamonds, which are often more expensive than mined ones (also called natural), canary yellow diamonds are less expensive than their white counterparts.


Lab-created ones can save you up to 50% over mined diamonds.

Lab created diamonds are the answer if you're on a budget and want to save some money. Lab-created diamonds are grown in a lab and not mined from the ground like mined diamonds. This means they're much more affordable than mined ones, which can cost thousands of dollars each!


Because these materials don't come from nature, they have no supply or demand fluctuations to worry about either. So you know your price will be consistent throughout your engagement or wedding planning process. And since there aren't any real-world constraints on how big or small or what kind of color/cut/shape of a stone (or any combination thereof), we want, our diamond ring maker can create something custom just for us!


Mined ones can be much more expensive.

One of the main factors determining a diamond's price is its color. White diamonds are much more common than canary yellow ones, so they will be cheaper to purchase. However, you should know that there are plenty of other factors that influence how much a diamond cost:


The clarity and cut grade (the quality) of each stone can also affect its value by adding to its rarity and worthiness through demand for fancy or unique shapes such as round brilliants or princess cuts.


Canary diamonds have an extremely high luster compared with other types because they contain trace amounts of nitrogen gas, making them sparkle like fireflies in the sunlight! 


Some people believe that yellow diamonds are luckier than white ones.

They also believe that yellow diamonds are more expensive, but this is not true. A good quality yellow diamond can be a good investment because it will hold its value over time and increase exponentially as more people learn about them and buy them as engagement rings or other jewelry items.


Canary diamonds can be a great choice for your engagement ring.

The Canary Yellow Diamond is a rare and beautiful stone. Only 1% of the world's diamonds contain this shade of yellow.


First of all, the color is unique. Canary diamonds are known for their unique color (the color does vary from batch to batch). They tend to be brighter than other yellow diamonds, making them stand out more in an array of settings or stones surrounding the stone itself! This can be especially helpful against another stone, such as white gold or platinum. In addition to this vibrant hue, they also have a lot less sparkle than other types of yellow and brownish-red gemstones like emeralds or rubies, which means that even though these gems may cost less per carat than others out there today at auction houses around town - they still look expensive enough without having too much flash factor going on underfoot (which could potentially distract from other aspects like size).



If you want to go with yellow diamonds, there are plenty of reasons why they are a great choice. They can be just as beautiful as white ones, but they also have their unique look that people don't usually associate with white diamonds. They're also much less expensive than mined ones, and they're easier to find in larger sizes too! So if you're looking for something unique or different from traditional engagement rings, then these all-yellow gems might just be what you're looking for.

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