Artificial Intelligence
3 months ago
1 min read

Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability to do an assignment by a computer or machine mind that would normally require a human mind. In the present age, every field such as Healthcare, Finance, Transportation, Technology, Customer service, etc have AI and it plays a significant role we can't keep AI out of our lives now or in the future.

History of Artificial Intelligence

In the early 40s scientists from different backgrounds began to think about the possibility of creating an Artificial Brain. Despite this, it hadn't come to light until 1955. Allen Newell, who was a researcher in computer science, and Herbert A. Simon, who was an American political scientist, created the "First Artificial Intelligence Program " which was named "Logic Theorist".

Advanced Artificial Intelligence History

Artificial intelligence has enhanced performance in tasks such as speech recognition and image recognition since the development of deep learning algorithms in the late 2000s. But it genuinely boomed after 2012 when Google launched an Android app feature "Google now" which is known as "Google Assistant" in today's world. Apple's "Siri", and Microsoft's "Cortana" also helped to contribute to the rise of Artificial Intelligence among people.

But When did AI become so mainstream?

Overall, it seems that Artificial Intelligence has gained massive attention and mainstream adoption in recent years, with products and services like smart speakers, self-driving cars, and other technologies that integrate AI. Several factors have contributed to this increase, including the availability of large amounts of data, advancements in machine learning algorithms, and increases in computational power.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

1. Increased Efficient

2. There will be little to no error

3. Will do tasks faster.

4. Decisions will be quick

5. Humans will be protected from risk because computers will take it.

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

1. Can never replace humans in creativity

2. Lack of human oversight

3. Loss of privacy

4. Job Displacement

5. Security risk against cyber attacks


Artificial Intelligence has the prospect to bring many benefits and improvements in various interests and applications. Yet, it is important to consider the potential risks and faults of Artificial Intelligence. The user perspective is key to how Artificial Intelligence will change the way we interact, explore, and think about the world.

This article is written by Jishan KP.

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